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The Realization and Optimization Technology of Recognition Algorithm Based on Tensorflow Deep Learning Mechanism

Authors :
Wencai Xu
Source :
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2066:012002
Publication Year :
Publisher :
IOP Publishing, 2021.


With the rapid development of today’s technological society, recognition algorithms have received more and more attention. In addition, in recent years, deep learning algorithms have developed rapidly at the theoretical level, and related new technologies have also been applied to various industries. TensorFlow is a deep learning framework that performs well in all aspects. The purpose of this article is to study the realization of recognition algorithms based on TensorFlow’s deep learning mechanism and their optimization techniques. The target detection algorithm used in the system in this paper combines deep learning technology to replace the traditional method based on convolutional filtering. The paper is based on the TensorFlow deep learning framework. TensorFlow is an open source software library for machine intelligence. The learning software library of the network learning framework. This article uses a semi-automatic labeling method combined with an incremental learning algorithm to label the data set. After labeling the data, the parameters are set, the model is trained, and the model is finally trained and applied to the detection system. Studies have shown that: in the recognition algorithm, only the single sub-analysis stream is considered, and the short video sequence analysis stream can get the most excellent accuracy. Compared with the second best long video sequence analysis stream, it can also increase by about 3%.


17426596 and 17426588
Volume :
Database :
Journal :
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Accession number :