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D5.4 Roadmap and guidelines to promote Open Science in transport research

Authors :
Michelmann, Jakob
Camila Soto, Laura
Folla, Katerina
Anagnostopoulou, Afroditi
Akac, Attila
von Bühler, Christian
Störing, Marc
Fleten Nielsen, Anja
Palts, Kristel
Zilles, Anne
Adesiyun, Adewole
Publisher :


Deliverable 5.4 – Roadmap and guidelines to promote Open Science in Transport Research encompasses the vision of the community of Open Science in transport research and the strategy and framework conditions towards fulfilling the vision by 2030. In 2030, Open Science is a reality in transport research, the TOPOS Observatory has been already developed and is being used. TOPOS observatory is recognized as the Open Science platform for transport research that supports the transformation of mobility towards safety, security, decarbonisation, openness, inclusivity and seamlessness of journeys. The document describes the challenges (i.e. technical interoperability, data and information interoperability, deploying of new skills, new schemes for research evaluation and collaborative ways of working, privacy and legal issues) between the future vision and the status quo, the planned milestones and recommended action as well as guidelines and principles to promote the required cultural shift towards Open Science. The EOSC Strategic Research and Innovation agenda sets the framework for necessary skills, fundamental principles and infrastructure to promote Open Science in Europe until 2027. Since the coordination and support action BE OPEN is acting in close collaboration with the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Partnership, it harmonized its milestones with the given timeframe of the EOSC Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and relates to the goals Strategic Transport Research and Innovation Agenda for air‐, road‐, rail and maritime and cross‐modal transport towards clean, competitive and connected mobility. The milestones are aligned in four steps, from connecting the community and establishing the TOPOS Observatory and Forum (2021), up‐taking the practice of Open Science in transport research in research organisations and academia (2023), embracing collaboration with citizens, industry, authorities to achieve Open innovation for required transport solutions (2025), to the internationalisation of the community, principles, standards and practices ((2027) in order to support the global transformation of mobility towards decarbonisation, safety and security and inclusive mobility that serves the people and the planet until 2030. The roadmap offers recommendations along Key Success Factors, mainly focussing on the training and education, and the dissemination of principles and practical aspects through the promotors for the entire community (academia, researchers, research organisations, authorities, NGOs, citizens, and many more), standardization of data, provision of resources and capacities to conduct Open Science as well as effective incentives to trigger a cultural shift to share‐re‐use‐ and reproduce research, build‐ up of security measures, development and innovation in open infrastructures and methods. Finally, the coordination, support and accompanying research is suggested alongside the uptake of Open Science in transport research to constantly learn and improve practices and assess its impacts in order to be able to adapt strategies. The document is set up, typically for roadmaps, to work as a living document that can be updated through the growing community regularly in order to react to new developments influencing Open Science practice in Europe. &nbsp


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