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Типологические черты образа юродивых в русской православной традиции (на примере московских святых)

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Наука. Общество. Оборона, 2022.


Актуальность темы исследования обоснована тем, что, феномен юродства является одним из самых неоднозначных явлений в православной религиозной традиции, который до сих пор вызывает множество вопросов. Например, почему же тип такого религиозного и общественного поведения всегда находил понимание и поддержку среди значительной части общества? Кроме того, действия юродивых не понятны не только простому человеку, но и православному, ведь такой подвиг для него может показаться очень специфичным и даже недосягаемым. Поэтому серьезный и комплексный анализ образа юродивого, его ключевых черт, поможет сформировать более полную картину исследуемого феномена. Цель работы – выявить важнейшие типологические черты юродства на примере московских блаженных. Объектом работы является непосредственно феномен юродства, его образ, изучаемый через исследование житий московских блаженных, преданий, повествующих о них, различных фольклорных историй, которые связаны с этим видом религиозности, а также через иностранные легенды и истории, имеющие корреляцию с феноменом русского юродства. Предмет исследования – совокупность поведенческих парадигм московских юродивых, взятых в религиозном, историческом, социальном и культурном контексте. Научная новизна исследования данной работы состоит в том, что в ней формулируются основные типологические черты юродивых, которые впоследствии могут стать инструментом для дальнейшего научного исследования в этой области, таким образом формируя комплексный анализ этого религиозного явления. В работе представлены сведения об источниках преданий о юродивых, которые имели непосредственное влияние на формирование образа блаженных. Именно на их основе и составлялась типология данного феномена. Практическая значимость включает в себя возможность разработки методических рекомендаций на основе данной типологии и дает возможность составить систему основных характеристик русского юродства, а также рассмотреть этот феномен как часть единого мирового явления «божественного безумца» и выделить его уникальные черты. Сформированное комплексное представление о проявлении этого вида религиозности и полученные сведения могут быть использованы для дальнейшего изучения этого явления в области религиоведения и истории Русской Православной Церкви. Территориальные рамки исследования определяются образами блаженных, которые жили на территории города Москвы. Однако, в силу множества корреляций и заимствований в этих источниках, в этой работе были исследованы и жития не московских святых, так как они непосредственно повлияли на создание образа московских юродивых. Во всех пунктах предложенной типологии есть свои исключения, но как видно одной из важнейших характеристик феномена юродства, которая отражена во всех основных его чертах – это его некая условная «бинарность» или «дуальность». Во многих известных религиях существовали похожие на русских юродивых подвижники. Они вели себя идентично, просто их идейная основа отличалась.<br />From the time of the Apostle Paul, the opposition of worldly wisdom and divine Christian knowledge begins, and, according to the apostle, for non-Christians, Orthodox dogma is madness (1 Cor 1:18). Subsequently it was the holy fools who became the personification of «the madness for Christ's sake» Throughout the history of Russia the holy fools have been a part of the church world, but a part of the mysterious, mysterious. Foolishness, perhaps can be called the most extraordinary feat of Christian humility. Such folk religiosity has always aroused the interest of various researchers. The relevance of the research topic is justified by the fact that the phenomenon of foolishness is one of the most controversial phenomena in the Orthodox religious tradition, which still raises many questions. For example, why did the type of such religious and social behavior always find understanding and support among a significant part of society? In addition, the actions of holy fools are incomprehensible not only to ordinary people, but also to the Orthodox, because such a feat for him may seem very specific and even inaccessible. Therefore, a serious and comprehensive analysis of the image of the holy fool, its key features, will help form a more complete picture of the phenomenon under study. The purpose of the work is to identify the most important typological features of foolishness on the example of the Moscow blesseds. To do this, it is important to solve a number of problems that require careful consideration, namely: to study the phenomenon of foolishness itself, approaches to its understanding and comprehension, as well as briefly consider the history of foolishness in Russia; find in history similar examples of the same specific manifestation of religiosity; to collect material about the Moscow holy fools, to find parallels in them with other stories, to analyze the latter; on the basis of the materials studied, draw up the key features of the holy foolishness, describe the typology of the holy foolishness and explain the reasons for this systematization. The object of the work is the phenomenon of foolishness itself, its image, studied through the study of the lives of the Moscow blesseds, legends telling about them, various folklore stories that are associated with this type of religiosity, as well as through foreign legends and stories that have a correlation with the phenomenon of Russian foolishness. The subject of the study is a set of behavioral paradigms of Moscow holy fools, taken in a religious, historical, social and cultural context. The research materials are literary sources: lives, scientific articles, publications, encyclopedias, annals and electronic resources. Previous studies of the phenomenon of holy foolishness actually considered it only in the prism of the Orthodox tradition, however, later, most of the research of the Soviet period was focused on the historiography of holy fools and their criticism. The scientific novelty of the study of this work lies in the fact that it formulates the main typological features of the holy fools, which can subsequently become a tool for further scientific research in this area, thus forming a comprehensive analysis of this religious phenomenon. The scientific significance of the work determines its research value. The theoretical significance of the work is based on the development of a methodology for identifying the typological features of foolishness on the example of the Moscow blesseds. It can be confirmed by the following aspects. A study was made of the very phenomenon of foolishness, both from the side of the Orthodox tradition and from the side of sociology. In addition, other similar phenomena in other cultures and religions were studied in the theoretical part of the work, and such a comparison required a serious analysis of many studies. Also, the work presents various information about the sources of legends about the holy fools, which had a direct impact on the formation of the image of the blessed. They reflected various biographical information, legends about their miracles and deeds. It was on their basis that the typology of this phenomenon was compiled. The practical significance includes the possibility of developing methodological recommendations based on this typology and makes it possible to compile a system of the main characteristics of Russian foolishness, as well as consider this phenomenon as part of a single world phenomenon of the «divine madman»and highlight its unique features. The formed complex idea of the manifestation of this type of religiosity and the information obtained can be used for further study of this phenomenon in the field of religious studies and the history of the Russian Orthodox Church. Research methods of work are a set of methods or operations of practical and theoretical development of reality, namely descriptive, comparative, systemic. The chronological framework of the study is determined by those sources that reflect the typological features of holy fools. These are chronicles that can date back to the 16th century and modern studies of the 21st century, which contain information and analysis of ancient sources, various characteristics of the typological features of foolishness. The territorial framework of the study is determined by the images of the blessed who lived on the territory of the city of Moscow. However, due to the many correlations and borrowings in these sources, the lives of non-Moscow saints were also studied in this work, since they directly influenced the creation of the image of Moscow holy fools, on whose basis the typology proposed in the work was compiled. All points of the proposed typology have their exceptions, but as you can see, one of the most important characteristics of the phenomenon of foolishness, which is reflected in all its main features, is its kind of conditional «binarity» or «duality». In many well-known religions, there were ascetics similar to Russian holy fools. They behaved identically, just their ideological basis was different.


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