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Design of a Social Robot Interact With Artificial Intelligence by Versatile Control Systems

Authors :
Md. Mizanur Rahman
Mohammad Shamim Islam
M. Shamim Hossain
Ghulam Muhammad
Source :
IEEE Sensors Journal. 22:17542-17549
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022.


Robots are a combination of mechatronics, computer science, and artificial intelligence. Robotics is a branch of engineering that involves the conception, design, manufacture, and operation of actions. Whenever a robot has to interact with the human-society, it has to adopt a special skill called Human-Robot Interaction and thus the term Social-Robot comes into account. A social robot has to be able to express emotions, communicate with high-level dialogue, use natural cues, and learn to recognize models of other agents. An autonomous social robot cannot follow orders instead of doing something on its own. To make the robot more interactive and communicative, lots of sensors and modules have to be used along with its moving mechanism. Therefore, a social robot becomes complex and expensive. To overcome the issue of the complexity and costliness, in this paper, a design of social robot using a combination of embedded systems, the Internet of Robotic Things (IORT) and Android operating system has been introduced to be interactive and communicative to human, be intelligent enough to solve complex mathematics and be able to follow the operator’s command simultaneously. By using the Internet as the robot’s source of information and the Android phone as the robot’s sensory and control system partially, and adding them all to the robot’s embedded system wirelessly, we have not only become able to make the robot more advanced and intelligent, but also reduce the cost of construction by a significant amount.


23799153 and 1530437X
Volume :
Database :
Journal :
IEEE Sensors Journal
Accession number :