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Analyze of the Rhythm of the Neck in Handmade Japanese Paper Manufacturing Movement

Authors :
Akihiko Imajo
Takashi Yoshikawa
Nobutaka Saeki
Source :
Volume 5: Education and Globalization.
Publication Year :
Publisher :
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014.


In Japan, the production of traditional handmade Japanese paper using the spring water has been performed in the Shuso area of Shikoku Island. However, the method of production was been handed down by trial and error and observation of the expert movement until now. The produced papers are counted one unit that is five hundred sheets of Japanese paper. Five hundred sheets of Japanese paper are called 1 [lot]. The paper has two type of thickness and its size is 600mm × 1500mm. Thick paper is 9[kgf] per lot. The other hand, thin paper is 8[kgf] per lot. In other words, the expert is making paper which is the difference of 2[gf] per sheet. This time, we have been able to obtain cooperation with traditional craftsman for the digitizing of his skills. Therefore, we visualize the tacit knowledge of the expert’s skill. The expert subject has 34 years of experience of traditional hand-made Japanese paper. We have digitized his manufacturing movement by using motion capture. His movements are analyzed by attaching infrared reflective markers of 20 on each parts of the body. In this study, we found that constant rhythm of the neck in handmade Japanese paper manufacturing movement. Furthermore, the first scoop is performed at the time much shorter than in the case of other scoops.


Database :
Journal :
Volume 5: Education and Globalization
Accession number :