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Meoneura mucki Stuke & Bart��k 2019, spec. nov

Authors :
Stuke, Jens-Hermann
Bart��k, Miroslav
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2019.


Meoneura mucki spec. nov. (Figs. 19���23) Holotype ♂: (1) ��� SU: Amankutan / pasture / 39.19N / 66.55E 1300 m / Bart��k, 23.v.1989 ���; (2) ��� Holotypus / Meoneura mucki / spec. nov. ♂ / det. Stuke 2018���. The holotype is deposited in the collection of the Czech University of Life Sciences, Czech Republic, Prague (CULSP). The specimen is glued on a card point and therefore only the left side of head without proboscis and thorax could be examined. Otherwise the specimen is in good condition. The posterior part of abdomen is dissected, macerated and stored in a glycerine microvial pinned underneath the specimen. Description of holotype (male). Length about 1.9 mm. Wing length 1.4 mm. Head height 0.4 mm. Head black with anterior half of frons yellow brown. Antenna black to dark brown. Arista without pubescence. Maximum eye length: maximum eye height = 0.9. Posteroventral margin of gena closest to eye margin: maximum eye height = 0.5. Frons slightly microtomentose to subshining, frontal triangle shining. Frontal triangle distinct, reaching about 1/2 distance from anterior ocellus to frontal margin. Face and proboscis cannot be examined due to preparation of the specimen. Postcranium slightly microtomentose. 1 distinct ocellar seta; supralunular setae convergent; 4 fronto-orbital setae (2 anterior mesoclinate, 2 posterior lateroclinate); 2 vertical setae; 2 mesoclinate postorbital setae; postocellar setae slightly divergent; 1 strong vibrissal seta; 2 supravibrissal setae, the ventral one indistinct and much smaller; 2 strong genal setae. Scutum shining to subshining, anterior 2/3 covered with black setulae. Scutellum microtomentose. Pleurae ���as far as can be seen in the type���shining. Scutum with only 1 long posterior, 1 intermediate medial, and 1 smaller anterior dorsocentral seta. 1 postpronotal seta; 1 praesutural seta; 1 anterior and 2 posterior notopleural setae; 1 long and 1 inconspicuous short supraalar seta; 2 postalar setae; 1 praescutellar seta; 1 apical and 1 lateral scutellar seta. 1 seta at posterior margin of anepisternum. 1 dorsal seta and 1 ventral seta on katepisternum. Costa with no obvious setae beyond radial vein R 1. Wing hyaline, costa light brown, other veins white to light yellow. R 4+5 slightly curved to apex of wing. Knob of haltere whitish yellow, base of haltere brown. Legs black to brown. Fore femur apically with 3 and basally with 2 strong posteroventral setae. Hind femur apically with 1 strong anteroventral seta. Hind metatarsus ventrally with dense yellow golden setae. Length metatarsus 2: length tibia 2 = 0.6. Tergites with no obvious depressions or tufts of setulae. Abdominal pleura with scattered setae on abdominal segments 4���5. Abdominal segments 1���5 narrow, width of tergite 3: length of tergite 3 = 2.5. Tergites 2���4 each with 1 short lateral seta at the posterior margin, and with 2���4 indistinct setae at the posterior margin. Sternite 5 almost rectangular, about as long as broad (Fig. 23). Sternite 5 with 2 lateral setae, the posterior obvious long (Fig. 23). Midventral tergite 7 not recognized. Protandrium small, slightly shorter than epandrium and about 0.5 of length of tergite 5. Epandrium with few setae (Fig. 19). Maximum length dorsally in the middle of epandrium: maximum width of epandrium = 0.5. Cerci indistinct, not projecting, and with a few setulae only. Subepandrial plate hardly sclerotised with the exception of a x-shaped brown structure. Subepandrial plate with scattered, hardly visible fine setulae. Obvious proceeding of hypoproct with 4 large setae on the laterally projecting part and several fine setulae basally. No tooth on subepandrial plate. Surstylus as Figs. 19, 21���22: with a slightly broadened base, falcated, and with a broad apical tip. Surstylus with short, strong setae apically, and long setae ventrally. No lamella. Postgonite as in Fig. 20: distinctly sclerotised, with a small base, elongated, pointed, apically bent like a hook. Distiphallus ���as far as can be seen in the type���short and with dense brown setulae. Diagnosis. Meoneura mucki belongs to the Meoneura obscurella -group that is characterised by a distinct process of hypoproct that has long distinct setae (Fig. 19). From all other species of this group M. mucki is easily distinguished by the unique falcated surstylus with a densely haired tip (Figs. 19, 21). Process of hypoproct has 4 large setae (Fig. 19). Mesoscutum and pleurae are shiny and contrasting with the microtomentose scutellum. If characters of setation turn out to be constant 3 notopleural setae, 2 postalar setae and 2 mesoclinate postorbital setae are remarkable characters. A key of the Meoneura obscurella -group is published by Stuke & Freidberg (2017). M. mucki will run to the last couplet 11 together with Meoneura prima (Becker, 1903) and Meoneura goldemari Stuke & Freidberg, 2017 but will not be assigned to one of these species due to the very different shape of the surstylus. Etymology. The ���Kleine Muck��� is a participant of Wilhelm Hauf��s fairy tale ���Die Karavane���. The Kleine Muck is a small misshapen figure and outsider as Carnidae are small inconspicious Diptera in which hardly anybody is interested in. Distribution. Meoneura mucki is hitherto only known from the locus typicus Aman-Kutan (near Samarkand, Uzbekistan). Meoneura neottiophila COLLIN , 1930 CZECH REPUBLIC: 5♂♂, 11.���25.iv.2009, Čertova voda, right lake shore [50��48���47.3������N 14��13���35.3������E], 130 m, Malaise trap, meat baited, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP, PJHS; 1♂, 7.���14.v.2012, Praha, Troja [50��07���15������N 14��23���53������E], 184 m, emergence trap baited with pig carcas, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP; 1♂, 10.v.���, Vr��ž nr. P��sek near brook [49��23���59������N 14���07���58������E], 400 m, Malaise trap, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP; 7♂♂, 2.iv.���10.v.2011, dito; 1♂, 10.iv.���, Vr��ž nr. P��sek near brook [49��23���59������N 14���07���58������E], 400 m, Malaise trap, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP; 1♂, 21.���, Vr��ž nr. P��sek, wood [49��24���8������N 14��7���8������E], 430 m, pyramid trap, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP; 3♂♂,���19.vii.2010, Vr��ž nr. P��sek, wood [49��24���12������N 14��6���57������E], 400 m, pyramid trap, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP, PJHS; 1♂,���30. ix.2014, Vr��ž nr. P��sek, wood, protein trap [49��24���12������N 14��7���03������E], 400 m, protein trap, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP; TURKEY: 3♂♂, xi.2012 ��� iii.2013, Muğla, pine wood [37��09���41������N 28��22���21������E], 700 m, Malaise trap, leg. M. Bart��k & ��. Kub��k, coll. CULSP, PJHS; 3♂♂, v.���vi.2013, Muğla, pine wood [37��09���41������N 28��22���21������E], 700 m, protein trap, leg. O. Dursun, coll. CULSP, PJHS. Diagnosis: Stuke & Freidberg (2017). M. neottiophila has not been reported from Turkey before. Meoneura obscurella (FALL��N , 1823) Material: CZECH REPUBLIC: 1♂, 11.viii.���11.ix.2010, 5 km nnw of Uhl��řsk�� Janovice [49��53���27.5������N 15��1���48.2������E], 400 m, pyramid trap, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP. Diagnosis: Stuke & Freidberg (2017) Meoneura occulta STUKE , 2015 Material: ITALY: 1♂, 4.viii.1988, Lago di Campotosto, 4 km s, pasture [42.29��N 13.20��E], 1300 m, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. PJHS. Diagnosis: Stuke & B��chli (2015). Prior to this record only the type material from Switzerland was known. Meoneura palaestinensis HENNIG , 1937 Material: TURKEY: 1♂, 8.���20.viii.2015, Dalyan, farm [36��48���54������N 28��39���04������E], 1m, Malaise trap, leg. O. Dursun, coll. CULSP; 1♂, 19.viii.���17.ix.2015, Muğla, University campus [37��09���42������N 28��22���13������E], 720 m, Malaise trap, leg. H. Kavak, coll. PJHS; UNITED ARABIAN EMIRATES: 4♂♂, 1.���, Houbara protected area [24.08��N 52.97��E], AD 1021, Malaise trap, leg. A. Saji & A. van Harten, coll. PJHS. Diagnosis: Stuke & Freidberg (2017). These are the first records of M. palaestinensis from Turkey. Meoneura pappi STUKE , 2015 Material: AUSTRIA: 1♂, 31.vii.1988, Heiligenblut [47.00��N 12.46��E], 1700 m, on Compositae, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP; CZECH REPUBLIC: 3♂♂, 5.���12.x.1995, 5 km w of Uhl��řsk�� Janovice, damp meadow [49.53��N 15.03��E], 460 m, pan trap, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP, PJHS; 1♂, 16.���, Krkono��e, Labsk�� and Pančavsk�� louka [50��46���07������N 15��32���31������E], 1340 m, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP; 2♂♂, 12.���13.viii.2005, Krkono��e, Labsk�� bouda environment [50��46���18.6������N 15��32���47.2������E], 1300 m, pan trap +sweeping, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP; 1♂, 23.���26.v.2001, Krkono��e, Labsk�� louka [50��46���11������N 15��32���32������E], 1350 m, pan trap, leg. J. Vaněk, coll. CULSP; 4♂♂, 3.���4.vii.2005, Krkono��e, Lučn�� hora (maringotka) [50��43���14.4������N 15��41���00.9������E], 1450 m, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP, PJHS; 3♂♂, 2.viii.2007, Krkono��e, Obř�� důl nr. brook [50��43���36������N 15��43���40������E], 950 m, pan trap +sweeping, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP, PJHS; 1♂, 12.���13.viii.2005, Krkono��e, Pančavsk�� louka [50��46���06������N 15��32���31������E], 1330 m, pan trap, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP; 2♂♂, ix.2008, Krkono��e, Slunečn�� str��ň, meadow [50��38���00������N 15��49���30.4������E], 650 m, pan trap, leg. J. Vaněk, coll. CULSP, PJHS; 1♂, 22.���24. vii.2006, Lrkono��e Mountains, Labsk�� rokle near brook [50��46���20������N 15��32���45������E], 1330 m, pan trap +sweeping, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP; 2♂♂,, MS Beskydy, Muřinkov�� vrch [49.31��N 18- 39��E], 950 m, pan trap, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP; ITALY: 1♂, 5.vii.2011, Passo Nigra, meadow and wood [46��26���39������N 11��35���18������E], 1700 m, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP; 1♂, 8.viii.1988, Passo Rolle, alpine meadow [46.13��N 11.42��E], 1900 m, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP; 1♂, 4. vii.2011, Weisslahnbad, edge of forest [46��28���40������N 11��34���11������E], 1400 m, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP; SLOVAKIA: 1♂, 28.vii.2002, Nizk�� Tatry Mountains [7083], alpine zone between Dere��e Mountain and Ďumbier Mt., 1700���2000 m, leg. J. Farkač, K. Farkačov��, V. Zedek, coll. CULSP. Diagnosis: Stuke & B��chli (2015). M. pappi is herewith reported the first time from Austria and Slovakia. Meoneura prima (BECKER , 1903) Material: ALGERIA: 2♂♂, 24.���28.x.2015, Ghardaia garden [32��30���24������N 3��37���43������E], 520 m, leg. B. Aissa, coll. CULSP, PJHS; CZECH REPUBLIC: 1♂, 9.x.���17.xi.2011, Kunice [49��56���1.4������N 14��40���7.5������E], 435 m, pyramid trap meat & fruit, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP; UZBEKISTAN: 2♂♂, 18.v.1989, Chimgan, alpine meadow [41.38��N 70.06��E], 1800 m, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP, PJHS; 1♂, 18.v.1989, Karamazar, alpine meadow [41.30��N 69.49��E], 800 m, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP. Diagnosis: Stuke & Freidberg (2017) M. prima has not been known from Algeria before. Meoneura pseudoflavifacies PAPP , 1997 Material: BULGARIA: 7♂♂, 21.vii.1987, Sliven, 13 km n, damp valley [42.49��N 26.16��E], 700 m, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP, PJHS; ITALY: 2♂♂, 12.vii.1990, Cesana, mixed wood [44.57��N 6.47��E], 1000 m, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP, PJHS. Diagnosis: Stuke & B��chli (2015). These are the first records of M. pseudoflavifacies from Bulgaria. Meoneura triangularis COLLIN , 1930 Material: CZECH REPUBLIC: 2♂♂, 11.viii.���11.ix.2010, 5 km nnw of Uhl��řsk�� Janovice [49��53���27.5������N 15��1���48.2������E], 400 m, pyramidal trap, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP; 1♂, 2.iv.���10.v.2011, Vr��ž nr. P��sek near brook [49��23���59������N 14���07���58������E], 400 m, Malaise trap, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP; 1♂, 16.���, Vr��ž nr. P��sek, damp meadow [49��24���12������N 14��7���13������E], 430 m, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP; TURKEY: 6♂♂, xi.2012 ��� iii.2013, Muğla, pine wood [37��09���41������N 28��22���21������E], 700 m, protein trap, leg. M. Bart��k & ��. Kubik, coll. CULSP, PJHS; 1♂, 21.���24.ix.2012, Muğla, University campus, 700 m [37��09���42������N 28��22���21������E], 700 m, pan trap, leg. M. Bart��k & ��. Kubik, coll. CULSP; 1♂, 21.���24.ix.2012, Muğla, University campus, 700 m [37��09���42������N 28��22���21������E], 700 m, Malaise trap, leg. M. Bart��k & ��. Kubik, coll. PJHS. Diagnosis: Stuke & Freidberg (2017). M. triangularis has not been reported from Turkey before. Meoneura vagans (FALL��N , 1823) Material: BULGARIA: 1♂,, 9 km nee of Dospat, meadow nr wood [41��40���13������N 24��15���50������E], 1170 m, leg. M. Bart��k & ��. Kub��k, coll. CULSP; CZECH REPUBLIC: 4♂♂, 11.viii.���11.ix.2010, 5 km nnw of Uhl��řsk�� Janovice [49��53���27.5������N 15��1���48.2������E], 400 m, pyramidal trap, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP, PJHS; 1♂, 11.vii.���11.viii.2010, 5 km w of Uhl��řsk�� Janovice [49��53���28������N 15��01���48������E], 410 m, pyramidal trap, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP; 1♂, 5.���12.x.1995, 5 km w of Uhl��řsk�� Janovice, damp meadow [49.53��N 15.03��E], 460 m, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP; 1♂, 17.���18.vii.2005, Bystřice near Třinec, shore of Ol��e river [49��38���08������N 18��42���46������E], leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP; 1♂, 23.���26.v.2001, Krkono��e, Labsk�� louka [50��46���11������N 15��32���32������E], 1350 m, pyramid trap, leg. J.Vaněk, coll. CULSP; 2♂♂, viii.2008, Krkono��e, Slunečn�� str��ň, meadow [50��38���00������N 15��49���30.4������E], 650 m, pyramid trap, leg. J.Vaněk, coll. CULSP, PJHS; 1♂, 15.���22.v.2012, Praha, Troja [50��07���15������N 14��23���53������E], 184 m, emergence trap baited with pig carcas, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP; 1♂, 26. iv.���2.v.2012, dito; 1♂, 22.���29.v.2012, Praha, Troja [50��07���15������N 14��23���53������E], 184 m, emergence trap baited with pig carcas, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. PJHS; 3♂♂, 16.���, Vr��ž nr. P��sek, damp meadow [49��24���12������N 14��7���13������E], 430 m, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP, PJHS; 1♂, 30.v.���, Vr��ž u P��sku, damp meadow [49��24���13������N 14��07���15������E], 400 m, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP; 1♂, 22.v.1995, Vr��ž u P��sku, near pond [49.23��N 14.08��E], 400 m, leg. M. Bart��k, coll. CULSP. Diagnosis: Collin (1930).<br />Published as part of Stuke, Jens-Hermann & Bart��k, Miroslav, 2019, Records of Carnidae from the collection of Miroslav Bart��k (Diptera: Carnidae), with the description of five new species, pp. 326-346 in Zootaxa 4567 (2) on pages 340-345, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4567.2.6,<br />{"references":["Stuke, J. - H. & Freidberg, A. (2017) The genera Meoneura Nitzsch and Carnus Rondani (Diptera: Carnidae) in Israel, with the description of ten new species, new records and identification keys. Israel Journal of Entomology, 47, 173 - 214.","Becker, T. (1903) Agyptische Dipteren (Fortsetzung und Schlu). Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin, 2, 67 - 195.","Collin, J. E. (1930) Some species of the genus Meoneura (Diptera). Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 66, 82 - 89.","Fallen, C. F. (1823) Agromyzides Sveciae. Quarum descriptionem. Uenia Ampl. Facult. Philos. Acad. Lund. In Lyceo Carolino d. XX Maji MDCCCXXIII. Lund, Berlingianis, 10 pp.","Stuke, J. - H. & Bachli, G. (2015) Faunistical data of Carnidae (Diptera) from Switzerland and additional countries with the description of three new Meoneura species. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 88, 379 - 401.","Hennig, W. (1937) 60 a. Milichiidae et Carnidae. In: Lindner, E. (Eds.), Die Fliegen der palaearktischen Region UI. 1. Stuttgart, Schweitzerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, pp. 1 - 91.","Papp, L. (1997) Three new species and a new subspecies of Meoneura from the Alps (Diptera, Carnidae). Annales Historico- Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, 89, 151 - 156."]}


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