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Zaischnopsis zhongi Tang & Jiang & Deng & Peng 2022, sp. nov

Authors :
Tang, Hao
Jiang, Jingtao
Deng, Jun
Peng, Lingfei
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2022.


Zaischnopsis zhongi Jiang & Peng sp. nov. 32C4C617-C7E9-4CBF-B0FA-D5DE6CBC2DD6 Figs 6, 7F, 8J, 10F Diagnosis Head with scrobal depression deep and ∩-shaped, dorsal margin separated from anterior ocellus by distance equal to 1.21 × diameter of anterior ocellus (Fig. 7F); OOL: POL: LOL: MPOD = 1.0: 6.7: 10.7: 10.6; antennal clava short, about 1.7 × as long as wide (Fig. 6F). Tibiae black to dark brown, but metatibia with basal half milky-white (Fig. 6A). Fore wing disc infuscate with dark brown setae beyond level of parastigma except gradually lightened distally, and with one hyaline spot behind marginal vein (Fig. 6E). Propodeum with anterior margin very broad V-shaped; plical region comparatively long (Figs 6I, 10F). Etymology Named in honor of Zhong Nanshan (20 Oct.1936 ‒), director of the National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Disease, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and a leading Chinese expert in SARS and COVID-19 prevention and treatment. Material examined Holotype CHINA – Sichuan Prov. • ♀; 四ffl省成ª市天ŮƜ [Tiantaishan, Chengdu City]; 16 Sep. 2019; DNA 673; FAFU. Paratype CHINA – Sichuan Prov. • 1 ♀; same collection data as for holotype; DNA 674; FAFU. Description Female LENGTH. About 5.3 mm. HEAD (Fig. 6C–D, F). Dark with blue, green or yellow metallic luster, as follows: scrobal depression with bright blue metallic luster (Fig. 6C), interantennal prominence blue with purple metallic luster medially (Fig. 6C), parascrobal region blue, lower face blue but with more coppery-violaceous ventrally, frons golden yellow with some purple metallic luster, vertex and temple green (Fig. 6D). Setae of lower face, interantennal prominence and lower part of parascrobal region (Figs 6C, 7F) white and lanceolate, setae of upper part of parascrobal region (Figs 6C, 7F), gena (Figs 6F, 8J), frons and vertex (Fig. 6D) brown and hair-like; maxillary and labial palpi black (Fig. 6C). Head in frontal view 1.20 × as wide as high; in dorsal view width 1.74 × length, with interocular distance 0.18 × head width and less than width of eye; in lateral view 1.51 × as high as long. Eye height about equal to width in lateral view; distance between eyes below 3.99 × distance between eyes above; malar space 0.42 × eye height; distance between toruli greater than distance between torulus and clypeal margin, and greater than distance between torulus and orbit. OOL: POL: LOL: MPOD = 1.0: 6.7: 10.7: 10.6. Face with parascrobal region narrow, interantennal region reticulate (Fig. 7F), scrobal depression (Fig. 7F) deep and ∩-shaped, imbricate, dorsal margin delimited, separated from anterior ocellus by distance equal to 1.21 × diameter of anterior ocellus; lower orbit slightly lower than level of dorsal margin of torulus; lower face coriaceous; vertex and temple imbricate. Antennal (Fig. 6G) scape and pedicel green with yellowish-red metallic luster, 1 st to 3 rd segments of funicle with blue to rusty luster basally, 4 th to 8 th segments and clava dark brown; scape normal, not expanded; relative length(width) of scape = 40(7), pedicel 12.8(4.8), 1 st to 8 th funiculars: 5.2(5), 16(5.2), 16.5(6.5), 16(8), 13(8.5), 11(9.6), 10(10), 8(11), clava 14.5(8.5). MESOSOMA. Pronotum in dorsal view (Fig. 6B), dark with yellowish-green to blue metallic luster, setae hair-like and brown; divided medially, pentagonal, imbricate. Mesoscutum (Fig. 6B) slightly convex anteriorly and concave posteriorly, and with lateral lobe carinate posteriorly; dark with yellowish-green metallic luster, setae of mesoscutum brown and hair-like except lower portion of lateral lobe white and hair-like. Scutellar-axillar complex (Fig. 6B) with reddish-green metallic luster, setae brown and hairlike, disc flat with coarsely reticulate pattern arranged longitudinally in scutellum and transversely in axillae region; scutellum 1.58 × as long as broad. Prepectus (Fig. 6H) with yellowish-green metallic luster; tegula dark brown with white hair-like setae; mesopectus dark green, with sparse, long white hair-like setae anterolaterally; acropleuron dark purple with slight green metallic luster; mesopectus reticulate anterior to acropleural sulcus, acropleuron very finely longitudinally imbricate to coriaceous. Propodeum (Figs 6I, 10F) black with bright blue metallic luster, anterior margin very broad V-shaped; plical region comparatively long, reticulate, with patch of white setae adjacent to spiracle anteriorly and laterally, callus almost smooth and bare, with long white hair-like setae laterally. Fore wing (Fig. 6E) extended near apex of gaster, with costal cell dorsally bare except dark brown setae in infuscate region in front of parastigma; basal cell hyaline with white setae except for infuscate region with brown setae basally, mediocubital fold with sparse white setae; disc infuscate with dense brown setae except lightened and more hyaline apically beyond level of postmarginal vein, and with one, almost round, hyaline spot with white setae behind marginal vein; fore wing stigmal vein slightly bent to anterior margin; SMV: MV: PMV: STV = 12.0: 8.6: 5.8: 2.6. Fore leg (Fig. 6A) with femur dark brown to black, knee dark brown; tibia black except apex dark brown, tarsus brown; middle leg with femur black, knee brown, tibia dark brown, tarsus milky-white, spur yellowish brown, shorter than basitarsus of middle leg; hind legs with tibia black to dark brown except basal half milky-white, tibia white to light brown, with basitarsus longer than the following two tarsomeres combined. GASTER (Fig. 6A). Elongate-lanceolate, longer than mesosoma, black with metallic luster, except apex of syntergum black, and ovipositor sheaths brown; syntergum tapered to rounded apex, ovipositor sheaths exserted, slightly longer than basitarsus of hind leg. Remarks The fore wing of females of Z. zhongi sp. nov. has a single hyaline spot with white setae behind the marginal vein (Fig. 6E) similar to that of females of Z. nivalinota Peng & Xiang, 2018 (Peng et al. 2018: fig. 26). However, females of Z. zhongi have the vertex and mesoscutum more yellowish and greenish (cf. Fig. 6B, D with Peng et al. 2018: figs 23, 25) and the concave posterior of the mesoscutum less setose (Fig. 6B) than females of Z. nivalinota (Peng et al. 2018: fig. 22). Further, the ovipositor sheaths of Z. zhongi are brown, whereas they are black with the apex brown for Z. nivalinota, and the plical region of propodeum of Z. zhongi is somewhat longer (Fig. 6I) than that of Z. nivalinota (Peng et al. 2018: fig. 27). Distribution China: Sichuan (Oriental). Variation The paratype is 5.4 mm in length; with only the dorsal margin of the basal half of the metatibia white, whereas the holotype (Fig. 6A) has the white region also across the lateral surfaces so as to extend to the ventral margin; the color of the antennal scape varies from yellowish-green to metallic blue.


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