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Importtncia dos indicadores hidroenerggticos para avaliaaao do desempenho em intervennnes na estaaao de bombeamento de gua (Importance of Hydroenergetic Indicators for Evaluation of Performance in Interventions at the Water Pumping Station)

Authors :
Jorge Fernando Hungria Ferreira
José Almir Rodrigues Pereira
João Diego Alvarez Nylander
Marise Teles Condurú
Source :
SSRN Electronic Journal.
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Elsevier BV, 2017.


Portuguese Abstract: Analisar a importância da configuracao da instalacao de bombeamento nos valores dos indicadores hidroenergeticos. A pesquisa foi realizada em 3 etapas, tendo como area de estudo o Setor de Abastecimento de Agua Guanabara, que atende 27.250 habitantes do municipio de Ananindeua, Para, Brasil. Inicialmente, foi simulada a operacao do Setor Guanabara para tres diferentes arranjos de diâmetros das tubulacoes, sendo 1 arranjo igual ao atualmente instalado, e 2 arranjos com diâmetros superiores. Em seguida, foram calculados os indicadores de desempenho operacionais e financeiros para as 3 simulacoes hidroenergeticas. Finalmente, na etapa 3, foram analisados o impacto da alteracao dos diâmetros no consumo e na despesa de energia eletrica da estacao de elevatoria de agua do Setor Guanabara. Com a pesquisa foi verificado que o aumento nos diâmetros das tubulacoes desloca o ponto de operacao na curva caracteristica do CMB, aumentando a vazao de bombeamento e reduzindo sua altura manometrica e seu tempo de operacao. Tambem foi observado que a variacao dos valores de CEN nem sempre e proporcional a mudanca dos diâmetros das tubulacoes, pois o consumo de energia eletrica e relacionado com o rendimento e com o tempo de funcionamento dos CMBs. De outro modo, os valores de CE foram mais representativos na analise, tendo relacao direta com os valores de rendimento dos CMBs e consumo de energia eletrica em funcao das modificacoes nos diâmetros das tubulacoes, no entanto esse comportamento nao deve ser considerado como regra, devido a variacao do rendimento nao ter relacao direta com os valores de vazao e altura manometrica dos CMBs, fazendo-se necessario o estudo minucioso para modificacao de ponto de operacao para cada caso. Por fim, foi constatada a necessidade de atencao ao indicador hidroenergetico utilizado para justificar mudanca nas dimensoes do sistema hidraulico, especialmente quando a finalidade e a reducao do consumo e da despesa de energia eletrica em estacao de bombeamento de agua. English Abstract: Analyze the importance of the configuration of the pumping installation in the values of the hydroenergetic indicators. The research was carried out in 3 stages, having as study area the Guanabara Water Supply Sector, which serves 27,250 inhabitants of the municipality of Ananindeua, Para, Brazil. Initially, the operation of the Guanabara Sector was simulated for three different pipe diameter arrangements, one arrangement being the same as the one currently installed, and two arrangements with larger diameters. Then, the operational and financial performance indicators were calculated for the three hydroenergetic simulations. Finally, in step 3, the impact of the alteration of the diameters in the consumption and in the electric power expense of the Guanabara Sector of water elevation station was analyzed. With the research it was verified that the increase in the pipe diameters displaces the operating point in the characteristic curve of the CMB, increasing the pumping rate and reducing its manometric height and its time of operation. It was also observed that the variation of the CEN values is not always proportional to the change of the diameters of the pipes, since the electric energy consumption is related to the efficiency and the operating time of the CMBs. Otherwise, CE values were more representative in the analysis, having a direct relation with the yield values of the CMBs and electric energy consumption due to the modifications in the pipe diameters, however this behavior should not be considered as a rule due to the variation of the yield has no direct relation with the values of flow and manometric height of the CMBs, making necessary the detailed study for modification of point of operation for each case. Finally, it was verified the need to pay attention to the hydropower indicator used to justify a change in the dimensions of the hydraulic system, especially when the purpose is to reduce the consumption and the expense of electricity in a water pumping station.


Database :
Journal :
SSRN Electronic Journal
Accession number :