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II. Methods of clearing equations of quadratic, cubic, quadrato-cubic, and higher surds

Authors :
William Allman
Source :
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 104:23-44
Publication Year :
Publisher :
The Royal Society, 1814.


Several years have elapsed, since my very highly esteemed friend, now Rev. Doctor Mooney, Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin, presented to the Royal Irish Academy a paper on the Extermination of Radicals from Equations. He has illustrated, by sundry examples, the extermination of quadratic surds. As he has rightly observed, the method is universal. Any number of quadratic surds, independent, or dependent, on each other, may be removed from an equation; because, 1. Any quantity, or factor of a quantity, necessarily subjected to the radical sign, is but of one dimension. 2. This quantity or factor being brought to one side of the equation, while the quantities unaffected with it remain at the other, may, by squaring both sides, be freed from the radical sign. 3. By a repetition of these reductions for each remaining independent surd quantity, any number of surd quantities may be converted into rational.


20539223 and 02610523
Volume :
Database :
Journal :
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
Accession number :