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IX. On a new property of the tangents of three arches trisecting the circumference of a circle, by Nevil Maskelyne, D. D. F. R. S. and Astronomer Royal

Authors :
Nevil Maskelyne
Source :
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 98:122-123
Publication Year :
Publisher :
The Royal Society, 1808.


Mr. William Garrard having shewn me a curious property of the tangents of the three angles of a plane triangle, or in other words, of the tangents of three arches trisecting a semicircle, in a paper which I have communicated to this Society, I was led to consider whether a similar property might not belong to the tangents of three arches trisecting the whole circumference; and, on examination, found it be so. Let the circumference of a circle be divided any how into three arches A, B, C; that is, let A + B + C be equal to the whole circumference. I say, the square of the radius multiplied into the sum of the tangents of the three arches A, B, C, is equal to the product of the tangents multiplied together. I shall demonstrate this by symbolical calculation, now commonly called (especially by foreign mathematicians) analytic calculation.


20539223 and 02610523
Volume :
Database :
Journal :
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
Accession number :