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The impact of technological development on the design of metal furniture suitable for kindergartens via the introduction of interactive games

Authors :
Nada Naguib Barei Mohamed
Yasser Sayed El-Badawy Abdel-Latif Mohamed
Ibrahim Mohammed Ibaid
Source :
International Design Journal. 11:245-250
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research, 2021.


Intellectual maturity depends on (perception - comprehension - adaptation) and this is achieved through the process of mutual interaction between the user and the product within the surrounding environment, so the more attractive the product, the more the person approaches it, and this is the first principle of the interactive design in order to achieve a more effective user experience. Interactive design is exciting way for a product to interact with the user, combining everything we know about design and function into one concept. The interactive design achieves some advantages, including ease of use and ability to learn. The possibility of action; many applications fall under interactive design today. Perhaps the most important of which are applications that use interactive surface technologies in teaching and learning, which gave the educational environment an active interactive dimension that was not available before. so therefore interactive educational games appeared. And in this context the idea of research came in the framework of integrating interactive games and making use of Its advantages in pieces of metal furniture for the educational environment of the kindergarten; where the study deals with the employment and use of interactive design techniques as an activity and concept in the application, especially the furnishing process for the role of kindergartens in Egypt due to its importance and role in developing the skills of the child's abilities and imparting new knowledge and skills. Hence the importance of the role of kindergartens in developing children's skills through education through interactive play that is derived from best practices of international standards in children's education, where interactive furniture design can play a pivotal role in it, and thus be able to respond to the inputs that the child does; And it increases his love for exploration and research and increases his dependence on himself and his exploration of the surrounding environment through his senses and learning from them. Statement of the problem: - Lack of widespread employment of interactive technologies in furnishing kindergartens in Egypt; - Neglect of educational and educational institutions to furnish kindergartens in a way that meets the needs of the child at this age, in addition to the lack of interactive aspect in furnishing kindergartens and paying attention to traditional furnishing; - The lack of flexible, interactive furniture that meets the physiological and psychological needs of children at that age and is compatible with the tremendous technological development. Research aims: Through this study one can formulate the research objectives as follows: - Employing and using modern technologies in designing interactive furniture for kindergartens that meet the different needs of the child at that age. - Monitoring the difficulties facing the design and furnishing of kindergartens in Egypt and their impact on the various behavior and needs of the child, whether physical or psychological; - Study the employment of the idea of learning through interactive play and take advantage of its advantages in designing interactive furniture. Research importance: The research derives its importance by keeping pace with the use of interactive technological developments in the metal furnishing of kindergarten children through understanding some points, including: - Developing the design awareness and knowledge of educational institutions. - Making use of interactive technologies in developing furniture for kindergarten children. - Developing the educational environment for kindergartens in Egypt by making use of the characteristics and advantages of interactive design techniques in furnishing these institutions. The methodology of the research: - The researcher follows the descriptive and analytical approach in monitoring and analyzing how the interactive design is used in furnishing the educational environment for the kindergarten stage in Egypt, and determining the consequences and expected of this study in furnishing the role of kindergartens. Results: The researcher's findings can be determined through the following: - The use of interactive technologies in the metal furnishing for the educational environment of the Kindergarten - Achieving the greatest amount of response to auditory, sensory and visual stimuli, making him able to develop his skills and give him the opportunity to learn flexibly. - Responding to the child's desires and providing comfort and an opportunity to learn through interaction - Meet the market desires in providing interactive, advanced metal furniture for the kindergarten children, far from the traditional furniture - The development of education through active participation between the child and the surrounding educational environment by providing interactive metal furniture - Take advantage of the learning advantages through interactive educational games in an easy way by merging them with the existing piece of furniture. لقد أثرت الثورة الرقمية والتکنولوجية فى جميع نواحى الحياة حيث ظهرت مفاهيم ومصطلحات حديثة لم تکن معروفة من قبل. ومن أهم المجالات التى ظهرت فيها الکثير من المصطلحات الحديثة مجال التعليم والتعلم وخاصة مايتعلق بوسائل وإستراتيجيات التعليم والتعلم بصفة عامة، ووسائل التعليم التفاعلية بصفة خاصة التى تأثرت بل وکان لها أثر کبير فى تغيير فهم الکثير من مصممى الأثاث التعليمي وخاصة فى مرحلة رياض الاطفال؛ فظهرت الکثير من الألعاب التعليمية التفاعلية کنتاج طبيعى لهذا التطور الفکرى والتکنولوجى بل أصبحت واحدة من أهم وسائل التعلم، نظرا لاستخدامها للعديد من المؤثرات السمعية والبصرية والحسية، مما جعل التعلم من خلالها أکثر تأثيرا؛ کما أن لها أثر کبير فى زيادة دافعية التعلم لدى الطفل، الأمر الذى أدى إلى جعل العملية التعليمية أکثر تشويقا وجاذبية، بالإضافة إلى زيادة قدرة الطفل على الإبداع وإکتساب المهارات. ومن هنا جاءت هذا البحث بهذا العنوان للإستفادة من التطور الکبير فى مجال الألعاب التفاعلية وإرتباطه بالتطور التقنية فى مجال التأثيث المعدنى لرياض الأطفال بهدف تحقيق أکبر إستفادة ممکنة ويمکن تطبيق ذلک من خلال الإستعانة بالتقنيات التفاعلية المختلفة ليصبح الأثاث المعدنى فى رياض الأطفال جزءا لا يتجزأ من العملية التعليمية التفاعلية. مشکلة البحث: الافتقار إلى توظيف التقنيات التفاعلية فى تأثيث رياض الأطفال بشکل واسع فى مصر وإهمال المؤسسات التعليمية والتربوية تأثيث رياض الاطفال بما يلبى احتياجات الطفل فى هذة المرحلة السنية، إلى جانب الافتقار إلى الجانب التفاعلي فى تأثيث رياض الاطفال والاهتمام بتأثيثها بشکل تقليدي. يضاف الى هذا الافتقار إلى أثاث تفاعلى مرن يلبى حاجات الأطفال الفسيولوجية والسيکولوجية فى تلک المرحلة السنية ويتلائم مع التطور التقنى الهائل. أهداف البحث : توظيف وإستخدام التقنيات الحديثة فى تصميم أثاث تفاعلى لرياض الأطفال، يلبى حاجات الطفل المختلفة فى تلک المرحلة السنية؛ ورصد الصعوبات التى تواجه تصميم وتأثيث دور رياض الأطفال فى مصر وتأثيرها على سلوک واحتياجات الطفل المختلفة سواء کانت مادية أو سيکولوجية؛ وکذلک دراسة توظيف فکرة التعلم من خلال اللعب التفاعلى والاستفادة من مميزاته فى تصميم أثاث تفاعلى


Volume :
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Journal :
International Design Journal
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