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Optimization Algorithm of Crack Initial Angle Using the Extended Finite Element Method

Authors :
Yi Su
Sheng Nan Wang
Yong En Du
Source :
Applied Mechanics and Materials. :77-84
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Trans Tech Publications, Ltd., 2013.


The extended finite element method (XFEM) allows the entire crack to be represented independently from the mesh, which means re-mesh is unnecessary in model crack growth, reduces the computational time drastically. However, fatigue crack growth simulation has been computationally challenged by lots of analog computations in crack growth. Therefore, a new reanalysis algorithm based on incremental Cholesky factorization is derived. In this paper, we consider a variant of XFEM in which an exponent discontinuous function is used to simulate the crack through unit. Then the corresponding formula of XFEM with inclusion and crack problem with a new reanalysis algorithm is derived. In the end, we use the new reanalysis algorithm and an optimization algorithm to predict the angle of crack initiation from a hole in a plate with inclusion. It shows that the algorithm is effective.


Database :
Journal :
Applied Mechanics and Materials
Accession number :