Assessment of the height stability in progeny of Fagus sylvatica L. populations using the GGE biplot method
Joanna Ukalska, et al. “Assessment of the Height Stability in Progeny of Fagus Sylvatica L. Populations Using the GGE Biplot Method.” Dendrobiology, vol. 79, Dec. 2017, pp. 34–46. EBSCOhost,
Joanna Ukalska, Jan Matras, Paweł Przybylski, K. Ukalski, Szymon Jastrzębowski, Wojciech Kowalkowski, Władysław Barzdajn, & Marcin Klisz. (2017). Assessment of the height stability in progeny of Fagus sylvatica L. populations using the GGE biplot method. Dendrobiology, 79, 34–46.
Joanna Ukalska, Jan Matras, Paweł Przybylski, K. Ukalski, Szymon Jastrzębowski, Wojciech Kowalkowski, Władysław Barzdajn, and Marcin Klisz. 2017. “Assessment of the Height Stability in Progeny of Fagus Sylvatica L. Populations Using the GGE Biplot Method.” Dendrobiology 79 (December): 34–46. doi:10.12657/denbio.079.004.