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Color removal of Polyethylene Terephthalate waste as a raw material for carbon nanotube synthesis

Authors :
Praswasti P. D. K. Wulan
Abbiyah S. Ulfa
Source :
AIP Conference Proceedings.
Publication Year :
Publisher :
AIP Publishing, 2020.


The level consumption of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) as a packaging of colored beverage bottles occupies the fourth largest in the world. In Indonesia, PET consumption increased reaches 7% per year so that it can cause environmental impacts. This study aims to process the recycling PET waste by obtaining a simple potential process to remove the color from PET waste. The decolorized PET waste will be an alternative carbon source for Carbon Nanotube (CNT) synthesis. The colors of PET waste are blue and green bottles. The selected color removal agent is hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) because it is inexpensive reagent and has lower toxicity to environment. The colored PET waste and H2O2 will be heated in the oil bath system at temperature 110°C and pressure 1 atm. The result showed that color removal time for blue PET waste faster than the green PET waste, 72 and 115 minutes per 15 grams PET waste. The quality of color removal of blue PET waste is better than the green PET waste because it has a reflectance value closer to colorless PET waste, namely 80%. The CNT synthesis process from decolorized blue PET waste produce 8.58% yields. The average diameter of CNT crystals from its process is obtained at 37 nm. This shows that PET waste plastic which has been discolored can be used as a carbon source in CNT synthesis.


Database :
Journal :
AIP Conference Proceedings
Accession number :