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XVIII. On some new methods of investigating the sums of several classes of infinite series

Authors :
Charles Babbage
Source :
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 109:249-282
Publication Year :
Publisher :
The Royal Society, 1819.


The processes which it is the object of this paper to explain, were discovered several years since; but certain difficulties connected with the subject, which I was at that time unable to explain, and which were equally inexplicable to several of my friends, to whom I had communicated these methods, induced me to defer publishing them, until I could offer some satisfactory solution. These observations refer more particularly to the second method which I have detailed in this paper, and which may not inappropriately be called the method of expanding hori­zontally and summing vertically . Some traces of this method may, perhaps, be found in former writers, and particularly in a paper by Professor Vince, “On the Summation of Se­ries,“ printed in the Philosophical Transactions for 1791; but there exists this peculiarity in that which I have employed, that after a certain number of the vertical columns are summed, all the remainder either vanish, or else have some common factor. This method, which I employed about the year 1812, gave the values of a variety of series whose sums had not hitherto been known, most of which were apparently correct, but some of the consequences which followed were evidently erroneous. About this time, Mr. Herschel, to whom I had communicated these anomalous results, by following a very different course, arrived at several general theorems, which, when applied to the series I had obtained, gave the same results. This coincidence at first increased my confidence in the values so discovered, and I continued to examine the reason why my own formulæ were in some cases defective.


20539223 and 02610523
Volume :
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Journal :
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
Accession number :