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Thermal-Electric Rating Method for Mass-Impregnated Paper-Insulated HVDC Cable Circuits

Authors :
James Pilgrim
Z. Y. Huang
S.G. Swingler
Gregory Tzemis
Paul Lewin
Source :
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 30:437-444
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2015.


Compared to conventional ac cables, the current rating of HVDC cable circuits is more complicated because the permissible current is not only limited by the operating temperature, but also by the electrical stress within the insulation. Therefore the IEC60287 current rating standard is considered insufficient for some HVDC applications because it fails to include the stress limitation. This paper presents an analytical methodology to calculate an electrical stress-limited rating for HVDC cables, which considers the maximum dielectric stress as the current limiting factor. This paper represents the first part of a project which has comprehensively reviewed cable rating calculations for mass impregnated HVDC cable systems.


19374208 and 08858977
Volume :
Database :
Journal :
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
Accession number :