364 Effects of a Speed-Feedback Exercise Using a Bicycle Ergometer on Physical and Mental Functions among Infirm Elderly People
Y. Funaki, et al. “364 Effects of a Speed-Feedback Exercise Using a Bicycle Ergometer on Physical and Mental Functions among Infirm Elderly People.” Asian Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 4, July 2011, p. S75. EBSCOhost,
Y. Funaki, H. Okamura, F. Kaneko, & R. Hirasawa. (2011). 364 Effects of a Speed-Feedback Exercise Using a Bicycle Ergometer on Physical and Mental Functions among Infirm Elderly People. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 4, S75.
Y. Funaki, H. Okamura, F. Kaneko, and R. Hirasawa. 2011. “364 Effects of a Speed-Feedback Exercise Using a Bicycle Ergometer on Physical and Mental Functions among Infirm Elderly People.” Asian Journal of Psychiatry 4 (July): S75. doi:10.1016/s1876-2018(11)60288-8.