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Campyloneurus stigmosus Li & Achterberg & Chen 2020, sp. nov

Authors :
Li, Yang
Achterberg, Cornelis Van
Chen, Xue-Xin
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2020.


Campyloneurus stigmosus sp. nov. Figs 25���26 Type material. Holotype. CHINA ��� ♀; Guangdong Province, Guangzhou; 1 Nov. 1989; J.H. He leg.; ZJUH 896611. Paratype. CHINA ��� 1♀; Fujian Province, Chong���an Tongmu; 790���1155m; 10 Apr. 1960; G. T. Jin & Y.M. Lin leg.; SHEM 34023744. Diagnosis. This new species is very similar to C. gibbiventris Enderlein, 1920, but can be separated from the latter by the following characters: head and mesosoma mainly black, with ivory spots (head and mesosoma entirely black in C. gibbiventris); fifth tergite coarsely sculptured (smooth); ovipositor shorter, 0.2 �� as long as body (0.4 ��); metasomal tergites mainly black, with whitish yellow spots (entirely black); wing membrane smoky grey, pterostigma and veins dark brown (wing membrane, pterostigma and veins blackish brown). Description. Holotype, ♀, length of body 4.5 mm, of fore wing 4.8 mm, of ovipositor sheath 0.8 mm. Head. Antenna with 40 antennomeres; apical flagellomere acute and weakly protruding apically, 2.4 �� longer than its maximum width (Fig. 26l); first flagellomere 1.4 �� longer than its maximum width, 1.2 and 1.3 �� longer than second and third, respectively, the latter 1.3 �� longer than wide; malar suture weakly sculptured and sparsely short setose (Fig. 26i); clypeus height: inter-tentorial distance: tentorio-ocular distance = 3: 13: 6; clypeus sparsely short setose; eye weakly emarginated (Fig. 26g); width of hypoclypeal depression 1.5 �� its height; face 0.8 �� longer than wide, coarsely punctate and with a few weak striae near eyes, sparsely setose laterally (Fig. 26g); eye height: shortest distance between eyes: head width = 15: 13: 30; frons smooth, weakly concave behind antennal sockets, with a strong median groove (Fig. 26h); vertex smooth, with sparse short setae; minimum distance between posterior ocelli: minimum diameter of elliptical posterior ocellus: minimum distance between posterior ocellus and eye = 7: 7: 10; in dorsal view length of eye twice temple; temples linearly narrowed behind eyes (Fig. 26h). Mesosoma. Length of mesosoma 1.4 �� its height (Fig. 26c); notauli only impressed anteriorly (Fig. 26d); mesoscutum with dense short setae (Fig. 26d); scutellar sulcus narrow and deep, with sparse crenulae (Fig. 26d); scutellum sparsely short setose; metanotum strongly convex medially (Fig. 26d); propodeum smooth, without medio-longitudinal carina or groove, sparsely setose medially, and densely long setose laterally (Fig. 26d). Wings. Fore wing (Fig. 26a): pterostigma 3.7 �� longer than wide; SR1: 3-SR: r = 31: 22: 5; 1-SR+M rather weakly curved subbasally; 2-SR: 3-SR: r-m = 11: 22: 10; angle between 1-SR and C+SC+R about 75��; cu-a interstitial, vertical. Hind wing (Fig. 26b): SC+R1: 2-SC+R: 1r-m = 6: 2: 3. Legs. Length of fore femur: tibia: tarsus = 19: 22: 30; length of hind femur: tibia: basitarsus = 26: 37: 15; length of femur, tibia and basitarsus of hind leg 3.3, 6.7 and 4.9 �� their maximum width, respectively; hind tibial spurs 0.4 and 0.5 �� as long as hind basitarsus. Metasoma. Length of first metasomal tergite 0.9 �� its apical width, median area convex and coarsely sculptured, without medio-longitudinal carina posteriorly, lateral grooves sparsely crenulate (Fig. 26j); second tergite largely coarsely sculptured, triangular medio-basal area smooth (but with some crenulae at outer margin), attached to medio-longitudinal carina apically, the latter not reaching posterior margin of second tergite (Fig. 26e); apical width of second tergite 2.4 �� its median length, antero-lateral areas of second tergite rather small and smooth, anterior grooves wide and with weak sparse crenulae apically (Fig. 26e); second suture wide and deep, crenulate, nearly straight medially (Fig. 26e); apical width of third tergite 3.6 �� its median length; third���fifth tergites coarsely sculptured, with antero-lateral areas (fifth tergite weak) and subposterior groove (Fig. 26e); sixth and seventh tergites largely smooth; ovipositor sheath 0.2 �� as long as fore wing. Colour. Largely black (Fig. 25); frons laterally (up to eyes), face laterally, area surrounding malar suture, posterior half of middle lobe of mesoscutum, mesopleuron anteriorly and scutellum white or ivory (Figs 26c, 26d, 26g, 26h); first metasomal tergite (except for median area), second tergite laterally (except posteriorly), third tergite antero-laterally and posteriorly, fourth���seventh tergites posteriorly whitish yellow (Fig. 26e); wing membrane smoky grey, pterostigma and veins dark brown (Figs 26a, 26b). Variation. Length of body of female 4.5���6.0 mm, of fore wing of female 4.8���6.2 mm, and of ovipositor sheath 0.8���1.0 mm; length of mesosoma 1.5 �� its height; spots of head pale yellow in paratype; pronotum laterally and lateral lobes of mesoscutum anteriorly whitish yellow or black. Biology. Unknown. Distribution. China (Fujian, Guangdong). Etymology. Named after the multiple spots of the head: ���stigmosus��� is Latin for ���full of marks���.<br />Published as part of Li, Yang, Achterberg, Cornelis Van & Chen, Xue-Xin, 2020, Two genera Campyloneurus Sz��pligeti and Iphiaulax Foerster in China, with the descriptions of fourteen new species (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Braconinae), pp. 1-67 in Zootaxa 4884 (1) on pages 37-40, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4884.1.1,<br />{"references":["Enderlein, G. (1920) Zur Kenntnis aussereuropaischer Braconiden. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, 84 (A), 11 (1918), 51 - 224. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. part. 13627"]}


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