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3D printing to facilitate flexible sheet metal forming production

Authors :
Fabio Tondini
Ulfar Arinbjarnar
Alberto Basso
Chris Valentin Nielsen
Source :
Procedia CIRP. 103:91-96
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Elsevier BV, 2021.


This study presents and discusses the possibility of using 3D printed polymer tools to achieve a flexible metal forming production line. An example is given of the design of a sheet metal part from tool printing to the actual forming and evaluation of the achieved precision of the formed part. The time spent by the engineer/operator during the full process cycle is documented and compared to the time it would take to make the corresponding tool by conventional metal machining. The time savings revealed in the paper are relevant for a low number of parts to be formed in a flexible manufacturing environment, while it is less relevant in mass production where metal forming is conventionally an attractive process. Besides the time invested by the engineer/operator, it is also important to keep the costs of the tools at a minimum in flexible manufacturing. Therefore, the paper also presents a comparison of the costs for printed tools as compared to conventional tools made from metal machining. This analysis considers the cost of raw materials, machine time and electricity consumption. The environmental aspects of metal forming are also considered, with the lubricating oils and greases typically used to improve frictional conditions being replaced by the polymers, which themselves have anti-friction properties. Finally, the recyclability of the tools is significant when they are only used to form a few parts. Different types of polymers and printing strategies are discussed in relation to recyclability and compared to the alternative metal tools.


Volume :
Database :
Journal :
Procedia CIRP
Accession number :