Volatile and Non-Volatile Chemical Compounds and Biological Power of the genus Lavandula: Case of two Moroccan Lavenders Lavandula angustifolia Mill. (Cultivated Lavander) and Lavandula pedunculata (Mill.) Cav. (Spontaneous Lavander)
Touria Zair, et al. “Volatile and Non-Volatile Chemical Compounds and Biological Power of the Genus Lavandula: Case of Two Moroccan Lavenders Lavandula Angustifolia Mill. (Cultivated Lavander) and Lavandula Pedunculata (Mill.) Cav. (Spontaneous Lavander).” Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, Sept. 2021. EBSCOhost,
Touria Zair, Amal Bouzoubaa, Amal Boutakiout, Fatima Zahrae Radi, Aziz Drioiche, Nadia Zekri, & Hannou Zerkani. (2021). Volatile and Non-Volatile Chemical Compounds and Biological Power of the genus Lavandula: Case of two Moroccan Lavenders Lavandula angustifolia Mill. (Cultivated Lavander) and Lavandula pedunculata (Mill.) Cav. (Spontaneous Lavander). Egyptian Journal of Chemistry.
Touria Zair, Amal Bouzoubaa, Amal Boutakiout, Fatima Zahrae Radi, Aziz Drioiche, Nadia Zekri, and Hannou Zerkani. 2021. “Volatile and Non-Volatile Chemical Compounds and Biological Power of the Genus Lavandula: Case of Two Moroccan Lavenders Lavandula Angustifolia Mill. (Cultivated Lavander) and Lavandula Pedunculata (Mill.) Cav. (Spontaneous Lavander).” Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, September. doi:10.21608/ejchem.2021.82036.4053.