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PKE-MET: Public-Key Encryption With Multi-Ciphertext Equality Test in Cloud Computing

Authors :
Willy Susilo
Ge Wu
Zhen Zhao
Fuchun Guo
Source :
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. 10:1476-1488
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022.


Cloud computing enables users to remove the necessity of the need of local hardware architecture, which removes the burden of the users from high computation costs. Therefore, it has attracted much attention and research has been conducted heavily on it. To protect users' privacy, data is usually encrypted prior to being sent to the cloud server. New cryptographic primitive such as public-key encryption with equality test (PKEET) has been introduced to make it more practical. In PKEET, users can test whether the underlying messages of two ciphertexts encrypted under different public keys are equal or not without the need to decrypt those ciphertexts. This is a very useful tool, especially for the cloud database, since PKEET mainly focuses on the equality test between two ciphertexts. However, in practice, the cloud server may need to verify the equivalence among more than two ciphertexts. This leads to disclosing unnecessary information of users and redundant computation cost will also occur when using traditional PKEET schemes. How to make this more efficient and practical remains an interesting research problem. In this paper, to solve the aforementioned problems by providing a novel concept of public-key encryption with multi-ciphertext equality test (PKE-MET).


Volume :
Database :
Journal :
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing
Accession number :