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Tuberatra curvicauda Gadelha & Nunes & Oliveira 2016, n. sp

Authors :
Gadelha, Sian De Souza
Nunes, Juliano Fiorelini
Oliveira, Marcio Luiz De
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2016.


Tuberatra curvicauda n. sp. (Figs. 1A���F) Description. Female (Fig. 2A). Body length: 2.8 mm. Body color: head and mesosoma black; metasoma black, terga 3���7 dark brown at apex; scape and pedicel honey yellow, turning brown towards the apex of antennae; palps yellow; fore and middle legs with coxa, trochanter and trochantellus dark brown, femur brown, tibia and tarsus yellow; hind leg with coxa black, trochanter, trochantellus and femur dark brown, tibia and tarsus yellow; wing hyaline, venation and stigma brown, tegula dark brown; ovipositor sheaths brown; ovipositor light brown with black apex. Head: clypeus smooth, with some setae inserted into punctuations; center of the face smooth and shiny, edges with some setae inserted into punctuations; frons smooth, shiny and slightly excavated behind the antennal insertion; vertex, temple and gena smooth and shiny; oral cavity circular, width approximately twice the malar space length; ocell-ocular distance twice the diameter of lateral ocellus; antenna with at least 14 flagellomeres (both antennae broken in holotype). Mesosoma: pronotum rugose in dorsal view, pronotal groove scrobiculate, lateral area of pronotum coriaceous with smooth edges; propleuron mostly rugose, posterior apex smooth and with a ridge-like swelling in lateral view (Fig. 2B); mesoscutum declivous anteriorly; mesonotal lobes coriaceous, median mesonotal lobe with sharped lateral corners; notaulus scrobiculate, meeting at the end of mesoscutum (Fig. 2F); scutellar disk concave and slightly coriaceous; mesopleuron coriaceous, anterior and posterior edges smooth; subalar sulcus and mesopleural sulcus scrobiculate; precoxal sulcus thin, scrobiculate and complete (Fig. 2C); venter of mesosoma coriaceous; propodeum with two diverging carinae instead of a straight median carina, lateral carinae present; propodeum with a pair of small lateral spines (Fig. 2E); basal median areas coriaceous; propodeal areola rugose; metapleuron rugose-areolate. Wings: fore wing vein r equal length to 3RSa; 2RS nebulous, and considered absent; 1cu-a distal to 1M; r-m present; first subdiscal cell open at the apex, 2cu-a absent; hind wing M+CU 0.6 the length of 1M vein. Legs: fore tibia with a row of seven spines; medium tibia with a row of six spines; legs smooth, except for the hind coxa that is coriaceous; coxa angled at the base but without basal tubercle. Metasoma: first metasomal tergum costate, length twice its apical width; dorsope present; basal sternal plate 0.4 length of first tergum; second metasomal tergum striate; suture between second and third tergum visible and straight; third metasomal tergum with a transverse groove, almost entirely striate, apical region smooth; fourth metasomal tergum smooth in the anterior basal region, striate after the groove that divides it, and smooth again in apical region; remainder of terga smooth and shiny (Fig. 2D); ovipositor slightly curved upwards, length about half the metasoma (Fig. 2A). Male: same as female, except for the hind coxa dark brown; clypeus rugose; face slightly rugose; antennae with 16 flagellomeres; mesopleuron slightly coriaceous; metapleuron coriaceous; fifth metasomal tergum with a transverse groove slightly striated after this groove. Distribution. Brazil (State of Amazonas and S��o Paulo). Etymology. The specific name comes from the Latin curvus and the Latin cauda in reference to the curved ovipositor of this species. Material examined. Holotype: Female, ��� BRASIL, AM [Amazonas], Manaus, Reserva Ducke ��� INPA, Igarap�� Ipiranga, 27.i.2003, Arm. [Armadilha] Malaise, J. Vidal col.���, (INPA). Paratypes: One male, ��� BRASIL, AM [Amazonas], Borba, Rio Abacaxi, Paxiuba, 04��28���48��� S / 58��34���24��� W; 2008, Arm. [Armadilha] Luminosa de dossel, J. A. Rafael e Equipe col.���, (INPA); one female, ��� BRASIL, Amazonas, Manaus, Reserva Ducke, 26.xii.2006 �� 11.i.2007, Armadilha Suspensa, Plat�� Sub-Bosque Leste/Oeste, Freitas, G., Feitosa, M. cols.���, (INPA); one female, ��� BRASI, Amazonas, Reserva 1112, 02.vii.1985, Bert Klein ���, (INPA); one female, ��� BRASIL, Amazonas, Rio Preto da Eva, Aprisco Pasargada, xii.2013, Oliveira, B.G. ��� (INPA); One male, ��� BRASIL, S��o Paulo, Luiz Ant��nio, Est. Ecol��gica de Jata��, Mata Ciliar, ponto 2, 21��36'47''S / 47��49'04'' O, 28.i.2009, Luminosa; R. I. R. Lara e eq. Cols. ��� (INPA); One female, ��� BRASIL, S��o Paulo, Luiz Ant��nio, Est. Ecol��gica de Jata��, Mata Ciliar, ponto 2, 21��36'47''S / 47��49'04'' O, 18.iii.2009, Luminosa; R. I. R. Lara e eq. Cols. ��� (INPA).<br />Published as part of Gadelha, Sian De Souza, Nunes, Juliano Fiorelini & Oliveira, Marcio Luiz De, 2016, New genera, species and records of Doryctinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from Brazil, pp. 359-370 in Zootaxa 4083 (3) on pages 362-365, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4083.3.2,


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