Calculation of electro-optical characteristics of phase-only liquid crystal modulator
胡立发 Hu Li-fa, et al. “Calculation of Electro-Optical Characteristics of Phase-Only Liquid Crystal Modulator.” Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and Displays, vol. 32, Jan. 2017, pp. 182–89. EBSCOhost,
胡立发 Hu Li-fa, 宣 丽 Xuan Li, 刘永刚 Liu Yonggang, 苏宙平 Su Zhou-ping, 姚丽双 Yao Li-shuang, 彭增辉 Peng Zeng-hui, 鲁兴海 Lu Xing-hai, 朱华新 Zhu Hua-xin, & 王启东 Wang Qi-dong. (2017). Calculation of electro-optical characteristics of phase-only liquid crystal modulator. Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and Displays, 32, 182–189.
胡立发 Hu Li-fa, 宣 丽 Xuan Li, 刘永刚 Liu Yonggang, 苏宙平 Su Zhou-ping, 姚丽双 Yao Li-shuang, 彭增辉 Peng Zeng-hui, 鲁兴海 Lu Xing-hai, 朱华新 Zhu Hua-xin, and 王启东 Wang Qi-dong. 2017. “Calculation of Electro-Optical Characteristics of Phase-Only Liquid Crystal Modulator.” Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and Displays 32 (January): 182–89. doi:10.3788/yjyxs20173203.0182.