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Les anthroponymes en économie : une autre voie d’accès à un domaine de spécialité et à sa culture

Authors :
Resche, Catherine
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Classiques Garnier, 2013.


This paper raises the question of anthroponyms as terms, underlining their usefulness as neonyms. It insists that, in the field of research into specialised fields, such as economics, anthroponyms represent an entry point not only into the concepts they denote, but also into the history of economic thinking and into the culture of the domain and its specialists. Based on a corpus of 418 such terms, the analysis first focuses on their components, and then reviews their limits as well as the advantages that can be derived from observing them, especially for a linguist. As mirrors of the themes and ideas that have marked the discipline over time, they offer a rich source of inquiry.


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