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Supplement to 'The group E6(q) and graphs with a locally linear group of automorphisms' by V. I. Trofimov and R. M. Weiss

Authors :
V. I. Trofimov
Source :
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 148:33-45
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2009.


Let q be a prime power and let G be a group acting faithfully and vertex transitively on a graph such that for each vertex x, the stabilizer Gx is finite and contains a normal subgroup inducing on the set of neighbours of x a permutation group isomorphic to the linear group L5(q) acting on the 2-dimensional subspaces of a 5-dimensional vector space over Fq. In a companion paper, it is shown, except in some special situations where q = 2, that the kernel of the action of a vertex stabilizer Gx on the ball of radius 3 around x is trivial. In this paper we show that these special situations cannot occur.


14698064 and 03050041
Volume :
Database :
Journal :
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
Accession number :