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A Precise Recycle Module of e-Paper as a Clean Production Process for Environmental Protection Considerations

Authors :
Pai Shan Pa
Source :
Applied Mechanics and Materials. :2565-2568
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Trans Tech Publications, Ltd., 2012.


This study describes a new precise recycle module as a clean poduction pocess and an environmental protection consideration that uses micro electroetching (MECE) and a new design of an intercross tool to remove defective transparent conducting oxide (TCO) nanostructures from the optical PET diaphragm surfaces for e-paper surface. This process takes very little time to remove the TCO easily and cleanly and is highly efficient both technically and economically. A large diameter of the cathode of the intercross tool combined with a small gap between the cathode and the workpiece corresponds to a higher removal rate of TCO. This higher feed rate combined with enough voltage results in a shorter machining time. A high rotational speed of the intercross tool can also improve dregs discharge and allows a higher feed rate of the optical PET. A small end radius of the cathode or a thin cathode of the bulge-form tool takes less time for the same amount (20 nm) of TCO removal.


Database :
Journal :
Applied Mechanics and Materials
Accession number :