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Bethylus hunanensis Wang, He & Chen 2021, sp. nov

Authors :
Wang, Chung-Hong
He, Jun-Hua
Chen, Xue-Xin
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2021.


Bethylus hunanensis Wang, He & Chen sp. nov. Fig. 5 Description. Holotype (Fig.5a). Male. Body length 2.92 mm. Forewing length 1.67 mm. Color. Head castaneous; mandible castaneous, teeth light castaneous; antenna light castaneous. Mesosoma castaneous; legs light castaneous, tarsi pale castaneous. Metasoma light castaneous. Forewing hyaline; veins and pterostigma light castaneous. Pubescence. Head with sparse setae. Antenna with dense short white setae. Mesosoma ventrally and metasoma with sparse setae. Forewing with dense short setae, radial cell and costal cell of forewing with sparse setae. Head (Fig. 5 b-e). Head longer than wide, LH 1.15 × WH. Mandible with four apical teeth. Median clypeal lobe weak with apex truncate; median clypeal carina slightly extending posterad into frons. Antennomeres II–VI in ratio of 1.13:0.97:0.87:1.01:1.0 in length and 1.90, 2.03, 1.55, 1.89, 1.82 × width respectively; antennal scrobal carina absent. Frons coriaceous with shallow punctures separate at least 1.50 × their diameter. WF 1.43 × LE. LE 1.02 × DEV. Frontal angle of ocellar triangle acute; POL 1.59 × AOL; OOL 1.98 × WOT; DPV 0.80 × DAO. Vertex coriaceous with shallow sparse punctures; vertex crest slightly outcurved. Sides of head posterior to eyes slightly converging posteriorly. Occipital carina absent. Malar space narrow, malar line between mandible and eye absent. Gena coriaceous with punctures separate at least 1.50 × their diameter. Mesosoma (Fig. 5 f-g). Pronotum coriaceous, posterior margin almost straight. Mesoscutum coriaceous with few punctures; parapsidal signum complete. Mesoscutellum coriaceous with few punctures. Metapectal-propodeal disc imbricate, median ridge shiny; lateral marginal carina of metapectal-propodeal disc present, basal one third absent; propodeal declivity coriaceous; anterior metapleural area coriaceous, metapleural line with three pits; lateral surface of metapectal-propodeal complex coriaceous. Propleuron coriaceous. Mesopectus coriaceous with shallow punctures; mesopleural fovea absent; mesopleural pit present. Forewing (Fig. 5h). Rs+M 2 v 0.20 × M 2 v; Rs 2 v 1.94 × M 2 v; 2r-rs&Rs 2 v arched in obtuse angle apically. Metasoma. Metasomal terga shiny with shallow tiny punctures; longitudinal sulcus of first metasomal tergum short and not exceeding first metasomal spiracle. Metasomal sterna shiny; basal half of first metasomal sternum irregularly rugulose with weak median longitudinal carina, apical half coriaceous; hypopygium bilobate with median notch broad (Fig. 5i). Genitalia (Fig. 5j, k): ventral arm of paramere with long setae, apex of dorsal arm acute; margin of cuspis distinctly outcurved in ventral view; digitus sickle-shaped and papillate dorsally; aedeagus bottle-shaped. Female. Unknown. Type material. Holotype ♂ (ZJUH), China, Hunan Province, Shimen Country, Huping Mountain, 110°40′35.9544″E, 30°0′34″N, 2000m,, Guangchun Lei, No. 20044537. Distribution. China (Hunan). Etymology. This species is named based on the type specimen locality. Diagnosis. This species can be distinguished from other species of this genus by having LH 1.15× WH, median notch of hypopygium broad (Fig. 5i), and apex of cuspis outcurved (Fig. 5k).


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