BerniMotaBMPsinRhodniusSUPPTables.pdf from A pro-BMP function exerted by Rhodnius prolixus short gastrulation reveals great diversity in the role of BMP modulators during embryonic patterning
Berni, M., et al. BerniMotaBMPsinRhodniusSUPPTables.Pdf from A pro-BMP Function Exerted by Rhodnius Prolixus Short Gastrulation Reveals Great Diversity in the Role of BMP Modulators during Embryonic Patterning. Jan. 2023. EBSCOhost,
Berni, M., Mota, J., Bressan, D., Ribeiro, L., Martins, G., Pereira, J., Ramos, I., Nunes-da-Fonseca, R., & Araujo, H. (2023). BerniMotaBMPsinRhodniusSUPPTables.pdf from A pro-BMP function exerted by Rhodnius prolixus short gastrulation reveals great diversity in the role of BMP modulators during embryonic patterning.
Berni, M., J. Mota, D. Bressan, L. Ribeiro, G. Martins, J. Pereira, I. Ramos, R. Nunes-da-Fonseca, and H. Araujo. 2023. “BerniMotaBMPsinRhodniusSUPPTables.Pdf from A pro-BMP Function Exerted by Rhodnius Prolixus Short Gastrulation Reveals Great Diversity in the Role of BMP Modulators during Embryonic Patterning,” January. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.23558482.v1.