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Winds of Change in Australian Waters: The Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Act 2021

Authors :
Camille Goodman
Source :
Asia-Pacific Journal of Ocean Law and Policy. 7:137-150
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Brill, 2022.


The untapped potential of offshore wind is vast, and will be critical in the global transition to renewable energy and carbon neutrality. Although Australia’s waters are home to enough wind energy to cover its entire electricity needs, the lack of a regulatory framework has prevented the establishment of an offshore wind industry. However, with the passage of the Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Act 2021, there are now significant opportunities for the offshore generation of renewable energy, as well as the transmission of electricity within—and beyond—Australian waters. Framed by consideration of the global and regional context, this paper provides a meaningful perspective on the potential for offshore wind energy in Australia, outlines the new regulatory framework which will enable it to be realised, and highlights key points of contact with contemporary issues of ocean law and policy.


Subjects :
Cultural Studies


24519391 and 24519367
Volume :
Database :
Journal :
Asia-Pacific Journal of Ocean Law and Policy
Accession number :