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Potential measurement of Iran's western regional wind energy using GIS

Authors :
Mahsa Ghorbani
Siavash Gitifar
Sajad Qezelbigloo
Rahim Zahedi
Sareh Daneshgar
Source :
Journal of Cleaner Production. 330:129883
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Elsevier BV, 2022.


Energy is essential for socio-economic development and due to the increase in energy consumption it is necessary to look for renewable and clean energy over the coming decades. Wind energy has received more attention than other sources due to better economic conditions as well as lack of environmental pollution and unlimited wind resources. This paper describes a practical method for measuring the potential of wind resources with the ability to generate electricity, using the geographic information system and considering the selection criteria of wind farms. The present study analyzed a multi-criteria decision support system to define wind energy resources in western Iran. In the method of calculating wind potential in this paper, the desired items are considered with equal importance and these criteria include technical, environmental, economic and geographical factors. The aims of this research are measuring the potential of areas suitable for generating electricity from wind energy for large turbines according to international standards, stating the standards and criteria for measuring the potential of wind resources and finally implementing the items mentioned in regional electricity. The results show that assuming the use of Gamesa G58 turbine, a maximum of 1897 MW of wind power can be generated in the study area, which is 26% of the region's electricity supply in 2025 horizon. The method used in this study can be applied for future wind potential measurements and it is recommended to be integrated with fuzzy AHP method to enhance the accuracy of the results.


Volume :
Database :
Journal :
Journal of Cleaner Production
Accession number :