EP-1556 The effect of an endorectal balloon on GI toxicity after EBRT for localized prostate cancer
K. Haustermans, et al. “EP-1556 The Effect of an Endorectal Balloon on GI Toxicity after EBRT for Localized Prostate Cancer.” Radiotherapy and Oncology, vol. 133, Apr. 2019, pp. S840–41. EBSCOhost,
K. Haustermans, Linda G W Kerkmeijer, Floris J. Pos, Evelyn M. Monninkhof, V. Groen, Robert Jan Smeenk, M. Kunze-Busch, H. de Boer, M. Van Schie, & U.A. Van der Heide. (2019). EP-1556 The effect of an endorectal balloon on GI toxicity after EBRT for localized prostate cancer. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 133, S840–S841.
K. Haustermans, Linda G W Kerkmeijer, Floris J. Pos, Evelyn M. Monninkhof, V. Groen, Robert Jan Smeenk, M. Kunze-Busch, H. de Boer, M. Van Schie, and U.A. Van der Heide. 2019. “EP-1556 The Effect of an Endorectal Balloon on GI Toxicity after EBRT for Localized Prostate Cancer.” Radiotherapy and Oncology 133 (April): S840–41. doi:10.1016/s0167-8140(19)31976-0.