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A Recursive General Regression Neural Network (R-GRNN) Oracle for classification problems

Authors :
Dana Bani-Hani
Mohammad T. Khasawneh
Source :
Expert Systems with Applications. 135:273-286
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Elsevier BV, 2019.


This research introduces the Recursive General Regression Neural Network Oracle (R-GRNN Oracle) and is demonstrated on several binary classification datasets. The traditional GRNN Oracle classifier (Masters et al., 1998) combines the predictive powers of several machine learning classifiers by weighing the amount of error each classifier has on the final predictions. Each classifier is assigned a weight based on the percentage of errors it contributes to the final predictions as the classifiers evaluate the dataset. The proposed R-GRNN Oracle is an enhancement to the GRNN Oracle in which the proposed algorithm consists of an oracle within an oracle – where the inner oracle acts as a classifier with its own predictions and error contribution. By combining the inner oracle with other classifiers, the R-GRNN Oracle produces superior results. The classifiers considered in this study are: Support Vector Machine (SVM), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN), Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB), K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), and Random Forest (RF). To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, several datasets were used, with the primary one being the publicly available Spambase dataset. The predictions of SVM, MLP, KNN, and RF were used to create the first GRNN Oracle, which was then enhanced with the high performances of SVM and RF to create the second oracle, the R-GRNN Oracle. The combined recursive model was 93.24% accurate using 10-fold cross validation, higher than the 91.94% of the inner GRNN Oracle and the 91.29% achieved by RF, the highest performance by a stand-alone classifier. The R-GRNN Oracle was not only the most accurate, but it also had the highest AUC, sensitivity, specificity, precision, and F1-score (97.99%, 91.86%, 94.40%, 93.28%, and 92.57%, respectively). The research contribution of this paper is introducing the concept of recursion (a concept not fully explored in machine learning models and applications) and testing this structure's ability on further enhancing the performance of the traditional oracle. The recursive model has also been applied to several other datasets: The Human Resources, Bank Marketing, and Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance (MGUS) datasets. The results of these implementations are summarized in this paper.


Volume :
Database :
Journal :
Expert Systems with Applications
Accession number :