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Platypalpus diminuticornis Bart��k & Kub��k 2018, sp. nov

Authors :
Bart��k, Miroslav
Kub��k, ��t��p��n
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2018.


Platypalpus diminuticornis sp. nov. (Figs 12���14, 30) Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂, labelled: ��� TURKEY, Muğla University campus, Malaise trap, 730 m, 37��09���38������N, 28��22���11������E, xi.2015 ��� iv.2016, Bart��k, Kub��k��� (CULSP). PARATYPES: 1♀, same locality, Malaise trap, 710 m, 37��09���39������N, 28��22���20������E, Bart��k, Kub��k, xi.2012 ��� iii.2013; 4♀, same locality, 720 m, 37��09���42������N, 28��22���13������E, H. Kavak, i.2015 ���all CULSP. Diagnosis. Black species of the P. longicornis group with 2 pairs of vertical setae (inner inclinate, outer lateroclinate); antenna black, postpedicel subequally long as broad, stylus 10X longer than postpedicel; thorax microtrichose except lustrous spot on katepisternum; mid tibial spur very short, lacking posteroventral setae on mid femur; abdomen microtrichose. Description. Male. Head black, grey microtrichose. Frons about 0.07 mm broad and almost parallel-sided on lower part (about as broad as pedicel), widening dorsally and about 0.12 mm broad on upper part at level of anterior ocellus. Face about 0.04 mm broad at middle. Gena very narrow and lustrous. Antenna (Fig. 12) black; postpedicel subequally long as broad, stylus about 10X longer than postpedicel. Clypeus microtrichose. Palpus brown, broadly ovate, half as long as labrum, with 1 long and 2 shorter subterminal yellowish brown setae. Ocellar setae black, about 0.22 mm long, second pair unusually long (2/3 length of first pair). Two pairs of long black vertical setae (outer lateroclinate pair as long as ocellars, inner inclinate pair even longer), inner pair inserted wide apart (0.22 mm). Occiput short black setose dorsally and longer whitish setose ventrally. Proboscis black, slightly more than half as long as head height. Compound eye distinctly kidney-shaped incised posteriorly. Thorax black, entirely grey microtrichose, katepisternum broadly lustrous, leaving narrow microtrichose stripe on posterior part and in posterodosal corner. All setae black to brown, only several very small setulae on notopleuron pale. Chaetotaxy: postpronotal seta long accompanied with two rather long setae and several very short hairs; acrostichals irregularly 6-serial on broad median stripe, short (about 0.06 mm), more than 15 setae in one row; dorsocentrals evenly short, irregularly arranged, nearly uniserial, but with several setae scattered laterad, last two pairs strong and long; notopleuron with 2 long setae on posterior part, otherwise only sparsely setulose; 1 postalar and 1 pair of long scutellar setae (with additional pair of small hairs laterally). Wing clear with brown veins, R4+5 and M1+ 2 in apical third almost parallel. Crossveins very narrowly separated. CuA2 recurrent and slightly S-shaped, anal vein depigmented but distinct along entire length. Costal seta brown, costal swelling near tip of R1 dark. Squama pale yellow with darker margin and long white fringes. Halter whitish yellow. Legs brown, distal parts of fore and mid femora brownish yellow, fore and mid tibiae and all basitarsi brownish yellow. Distal parts of tarsi darkened but not distinctly annulated. Coxae brown. Legs with most setae and setulae pale but also with irregularly arranged dark setae. Fore femur not much thickened, ventral setae slightly shorter than femur depth. Fore tibia narrow, short setose. Mid femur slightly swollen (only slightly deeper than fore femur), without posteroventral setae but spine-like setae in ventral rows rather long. Mid tibia with very short blunt-tipped apical spur. Hind legs thin, femur short setose ventrally. Abdomen black, entirely rather light grey microtrichose except lustrous genital lamellae. All abdominal setae pale and short except longer marginal setae on last three segments. Genitalia small (not dissected in only male (holotype)) with left epandrial lamella (Fig. 13) simple narrowly oblong, with rounded tip and row of several short setae ventrally, cerci simple and digitiform (Fig. 14), short, left one narrower and longer than right one. Female. Similar to male except darker legs: parts brown in male are nearly black and parts brownish yellow in male rather yellowish brown. Length: body 3.3 mm (male holotype), female up to 4 mm (due to exposed abdomen), wing 3.6���4.0 mm. Etymology. The species name is derived from very short postpedicel (diminutus, Latin, meaning reduced). Distribution. Turkey, Muğla province. Remarks. The species described above can be easily recognized according to the very short postpedicel and entirely microtrichose abdomen in both sexes. It somewhat resembles P. agnitus Collin, 1960, described and up to now known only from Israel, but this species has biserial acrostichals, much shorter stylus (about twice as long as postpedicel) and 4���5 notopleurals. Platypalpus diminuticornis sp. nov. may be arranged in the key by Grootaert & Chv��la (1992) as follows: 207 (206) Postpedicel at most 2.7X as long as deep.......................................................... 208a - Postpedicel at least 3X as long as deep............................................................. 209 208a (207) Postpedicel subequally long as deep, stylus 10X longer. Abdomen entirely microtrichose in both sexes except lustrous male genitalia (Fig. 30)........................................................ diminuticornis sp. nov. - Postpedicel longer than deep, stylus at most twice as long as postpedicel. Abdomen lustrous................. 2 08b 208b (208a) Palpus and fore coxa yellow; acr 3���4 serial; smaller species (1.9���2.1 mm)...... maltensis Grootaert & Chv��la, 1992 - Palpus blackish brown; fore coxa black; acr 6-serial; larger species (body 2.4���3.3 mm)....... nigricoxa (Mik, 1884)<br />Published as part of Bart��k, Miroslav & Kub��k, ��t��p��n, 2018, Hybotidae (Diptera) from Turkey, with descriptions of seven new species, pp. 453-482 in Zootaxa 4410 (3) on pages 459-460, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4410.3.2,<br />{"references":["Collin, J. E. (1960) Some Empididae from Palestine. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 13, 385 - 420.","Grootaert, P. & Chvala, M. (1992) Monograph of the genus Platypalpus (Diptera: Empidoidea, Hybotidae) of the Mediterranean region and the Canary Islands. Acta Universitatis Carolinae-Biologica, 36, 3 - 226."]}


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