Experimental studies of implosion physics of indirect-drive inertial confinement fusion
刘慎业 Liu Shenye, et al. “Experimental Studies of Implosion Physics of Indirect-Drive Inertial Confinement Fusion.” High Power Laser and Particle Beams, vol. 27, Jan. 2015, p. 32015. EBSCOhost,
刘慎业 Liu Shenye, 蒲昱东 Pu Yudong, 杨国洪 Yang Guohong, 宋仔峰 Song Zifeng, 缪文勇 Miao Wenyong, 丁永坤 Ding Yongkun, 杜华冰 Du Huabing, 唐琦 Tang Qi, 江少恩 Jiang Shaoen, 蒋炜 Jiang Wei, 黄天晅 Huang Tianxuan, 韦敏习 Wei Minxi, 张继彦 Zhang Jiyan, 余波 Yu Bo, 杨家敏 Yang Jiamin, 陈家斌 Chen Jiabin, 景龙飞 Jing Longfei, 晏骥 Yan Ji, 陈伯伦 Chen Bolun, … 彭晓世 Peng Xiaoshi. (2015). Experimental studies of implosion physics of indirect-drive inertial confinement fusion. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 27, 32015.
刘慎业 Liu Shenye, 蒲昱东 Pu Yudong, 杨国洪 Yang Guohong, 宋仔峰 Song Zifeng, 缪文勇 Miao Wenyong, 丁永坤 Ding Yongkun, 杜华冰 Du Huabing, et al. 2015. “Experimental Studies of Implosion Physics of Indirect-Drive Inertial Confinement Fusion.” High Power Laser and Particle Beams 27 (January): 32015. doi:10.3788/hplpb20152703.32015.