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About the Vibration and Dynamics of a Bus Chassis

Authors :
Adrian Sorin Rosca
Valeriu Ionică
Laurentiu Racila
Paul Rinderu
Ionuţ Daniel Geonea
Source :
Applied Mechanics and Materials. 896:97-104
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Trans Tech Publications, Ltd., 2020.


According to recent research, quite a large part of the buses have exceeded the loading standards, which causes road damage. In order to reduce weight, the use of lighter materials such as aluminum was used. Moreover, the cost of maintenance decreases and the fuel consumption is reduced. In this paper we summarize the study of the dynamic and vibrational behavior of the chassis, including the rolling system. In the paper [2], several models have been elaborated necessary for this study. In the present paper we proposed the integration and, implicitly, the finding of the dynamic response, as a result of the behavior of the chassis in operation, in the form of time functions that we represented graphically according to a real numerical application, these representations better suggesting this behavior.


Volume :
Database :
Journal :
Applied Mechanics and Materials
Accession number :