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Experimental Discussion on Fire Image Recognition Based on Deep Learning

Authors :
Fang Qu
Yongyi Cui
Source :
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2066:012071
Publication Year :
Publisher :
IOP Publishing, 2021.


Fire detection technology based on video images is an emerging technology that has its own unique advantages in many aspects. With the rapid development of deep learning technology, Convolutional Neural Networks based on deep learning theory show unique advantages in many image recognition fields. This paper uses Convolutional Neural Networks to try to identify fire in video surveillance images. This paper introduces the main processing flow of Convolutional Neural Networks when completing image recognition tasks, and elaborates the basic principles and ideas of each stage of image recognition in detail. The Pytorch deep learning framework is used to build a Convolutional Neural Network for training, verification and testing for fire recognition. In view of the lack of a standard and authoritative fire recognition training set, we have conducted experiments on fires with various interference sources under various environmental conditions using a variety of fuels in the laboratory, and recorded videos. Finally, the Convolutional Neural Network was trained, verified and tested by using experimental videos, fire videos on the Internet as well as other interference source videos that may be misjudged as fires.


17426596 and 17426588
Volume :
Database :
Journal :
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Accession number :