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Structure and properties of nanoparticles used in paper compositions

Authors :
M. Ioelovich
O. Figovsky
Source :
Mechanics of Composite Materials. 46:435-442
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2010.


The structural characteristics of cellulose and chalk nanoparticles were studied by the methods of electronic microscopy, laser light scattering, X-ray diffraction, sorption, water retention, and some others. It is shown that nanocellulose consists of rodlike particles having an increased hydrophility. In contrast to the organic nanocellulose, the inorganic nanochalk contains ellipsoidal particles having a relatively low hydrohpility. Paper samples containing cellulose fibers and nanoparticles, as well as flocking and sizing agents, were made and their properties were tested. Testing the mechanical properties of the paper samples showed that the introduction of the hydrophilic cellulose nanoparticles, having a developed surface, decreased the porosity and sharply increased the strength of the final paper. In contrast to this result, chalk nanoparticles did not improve the physicomechanical properties of paper, because of the low bonding between the inorganic particles and the organic cellulose fibrils.


15738922 and 01915665
Volume :
Database :
Journal :
Mechanics of Composite Materials
Accession number :