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RETRACTED: Analysis of the Inheritance of Excellent Traditional Cultural Spirit in the Teaching of Ancient Literature in the Chinese Department Based on Computer Assisted Technology

Authors :
Lina Sun
Source :
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1648:022157
Publication Year :
Publisher :
IOP Publishing, 2020.


Relying on ancient Chinese literary works and through reasonable teaching settings, we can promote the inheritance of our excellent traditional cultural spirit. Based on this, this paper uses computer-aided technology to first analyze the significance of inheriting the excellent traditional culture spirit in the teaching of ancient Chinese literature. Then this paper analyses some problems in the current teaching. Finally, some suggestions are put forward. This article hopes that through the teaching of ancient Chinese literary works, we can effectively inherit the excellent traditional cultural spirit of our country.


17426596 and 17426588
Volume :
Database :
Journal :
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Accession number :