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Controversy and consensus on the management of elevated sperm DNA fragmentation in male infertility: a global survey, current guidelines, and expert recommendations

Authors :
Ala'a Farkouh
Ashok Agarwal
Taha Abo-Almagd Abdel-Meguid Hamoda
Parviz Kavoussi
Ramadan Saleh
Armand Zini
Mohamed Arafa
Ahmed M Harraz
Murat Gul
Vilvapathy Senguttuvan Karthikeyan
Damayanthi Durairajanayagam
Amarnath Rambhatla
Florence Boitrelle
Eric Chung
Ponco Birowo
Tuncay Toprak
Ramy Abou Ghayda
Rossella Cannarella
Nguyen Ho Vinh Phuoc
Fotios Dimitriadis
Giorgio I Russo
Ioannis Sokolakis
Taymour Mostafa
Konstantinos Makarounis
Imad Ziouziou
Shinnosuke Kuroda
Marion Bendayan
Raneen Sawaid Kaiyal
Andrian Japari 33
Mara Simopoulou 34
Lucia Rocco
Nicolas Garrido 36
Nazim Gherabi 37
Kadir Bocu 38
Oguzhan Kahraman 39
Tan V Le 27 28
Christine Wyns 40
Kelton Tremellen 41
Selcuk Sarikaya 42
Sheena Lewis 43
Donald P Evenson 44
Edmund Ko 45
Aldo E Calogero 25
Fahmi Bahar 46
Marlon Martinez 47
Andrea Crafa 25
Quang Nguyen 48 49
Rafael F Ambar 50 51
Giovanni Colpi 52
Mustafa Emre Bakircioglu 53
Ralf Henkel 54 55
Hussein Kandil 56
Ege Can Serefoglu 57
Abdullah Alarbid 13
Akira Tsujimura 58
Alireza Kheradmand 59
Christina Anagnostopoulou 60
Angelo Marino 61
Aram Adamyan 62
Birute Zilaitiene 63
Cevahir Ozer 39
Edoardo Pescatori 64
Paraskevi Vogiatzi 65
Gian Maria Busetto 66
Giancarlo Balercia 67
Haitham Elbardisi 9 10
Hamed Akhavizadegan 68
Hesamoddin Sajadi 69
Hisanori Taniguchi 70
Hyun Jun Park 71 72
Israel Maldonado Rosas 73
Mohamed Al-Marhoon 74
Mohammad Ali Sadighi Gilani 69
Naif Alhathal 75
Germar-Michael Pinggera 76
Priyank Kothari 77
Nasser Mogharabian 78
Sava Micic 79
Sheryl Homa 80
Sara Darbandi 81 82
Tran Quang Tien Long 83
Wael Zohdy 10
Widi Atmoko 22
Marjan Sabbaghian 69
Wael Ibrahim 84
Ryan P Smith 85
Christopher Chee Kong Ho 86
Jean de la Rosette 87
Ahmed I El-Sakka 88
Mirko Preto 89
Cătălina Zenoaga-Barbăroșie 90
Saad Mohammed Abumelha 91
Aykut Baser 92
Kaan Aydos 93
Liliana Ramirez-Dominguez 73
Vijay Kumar 94
Teng Aik Ong 95
Tiago Cesar Mierzwa 96
Ricky Adriansjah 97
Saleem A Banihani 98
Kasonde Bowa 99
Shinichiro Fukuhara 100
Marcelo Rodriguez Peña 101
Mohamad Moussa 102 103
Umut Çağın Ari 104
Chak-Lam Cho 105
Nicholas N Tadros 106
Muhammet Rasit Ugur 107
Edouard Amar 108
Marco Falcone 109
Frederic Romain Santer 76
Arif Kalkanli 110
Keshab Kumar Karna 111
Kareim Khalafalla 9 112 113
Ranjit B Vishwakarma 114
Federica Finocchi 67
Carlo Giulioni 115
Erman Ceyhan 39
Gökhan Çeker 116
Chadi Yazbeck 117
Osvaldo Rajmil 118
Mehmet Yilmaz 119
Baris Altay 120
Trenton L Barrett 121
Kay Seong Ngoo 122
Shubhadeep Roychoudhury 123
Gianmaria Salvio 67
Haocheng Lin 124
Ates Kadioglu 125
Massimiliano Timpano 109
Tomer Avidor-Reiss 126 127
Lukman Hakim 128
Puneet Sindhwani 128
Giorgio Franco 129
Rajender Singh 130
Filippo Giacone 131
Mikhail Ruzaev 132
Raghavender Kosgi 133
Nikolaos Sofikitis 134
Ayad Palani 135
Gokhan Calik 87
Deniz Kulaksız 136
Davor Jezek 137
Manaf Al Hashmi 138 139
Panagiotis Drakopoulos 140 141
Huda Omran 142
Sofia Leonardi 143
Ciler Celik-Ozenci 144
Nur Dokuzeylül Güngör 145
Jonathan Ramsay 146
Toshiyasu Amano 147
Emrullah Sogutdelen 148
Gede Wirya Kusuma Duarsa 149
Koji Chiba 150
Sunil Jindal 151
Missy Savira 22
Luca Boeri 152
Edson Borges 153
Deepak Gupte 154
Fatih Gokalp 155
Guadalupe Hernández Hebrard 73
Suks Minhas 156
Rupin Shah 114
Global Andrology Forum
Farkouh, Ala'A
Agarwal, Ashok
Abo-Almagd Abdel-Meguid Hamoda, Taha
Kavoussi, Parviz
Saleh, Ramadan
Zini, Armand
Arafa, Mohamed
M Harraz, Ahmed
Gul, Murat
Senguttuvan Karthikeyan, Vilvapathy
Durairajanayagam, Damayanthi
Rambhatla, Amarnath
Boitrelle, Florence
Chung, Eric
Birowo, Ponco
Toprak, Tuncay
Abou Ghayda, Ramy
Cannarella, Rossella
Ho Vinh Phuoc, Nguyen
Dimitriadis, Fotio
I Russo, Giorgio
Sokolakis, Ioanni
Mostafa, Taymour
Makarounis, Konstantino
Ziouziou, Imad
Kuroda, Shinnosuke
Bendayan, Marion
Sawaid Kaiyal, Raneen
Japari 33, Andrian
Simopoulou 34, Mara
Rocco, Lucia
Garrido 36, Nicola
Gherabi 37, Nazim
Bocu 38, Kadir
Kahraman 39, Oguzhan
V Le 27 28, Tan
Wyns 40, Christine
Tremellen 41, Kelton
Sarikaya 42, Selcuk
Lewis 43, Sheena
P Evenson 44, Donald
Ko 45, Edmund
E Calogero 25, Aldo
Bahar 46, Fahmi
Martinez 47, Marlon
Crafa 25, Andrea
Nguyen 48 49, Quang
F Ambar 50 51, Rafael
Colpi 52, Giovanni
Emre Bakircioglu 53, Mustafa
Henkel 54 55, Ralf
Kandil 56, Hussein
Can Serefoglu 57, Ege
Alarbid 13, Abdullah
Tsujimura 58, Akira
Kheradmand 59, Alireza
Anagnostopoulou 60, Christina
Marino 61, Angelo
Adamyan 62, Aram
Zilaitiene 63, Birute
Ozer 39, Cevahir
Pescatori 64, Edoardo
Vogiatzi 65, Paraskevi
Maria Busetto 66, Gian
Balercia 67, Giancarlo
9 10, Haitham Elbardisi
Akhavizadegan 68, Hamed
Sajadi 69, Hesamoddin
Taniguchi 70, Hisanori
Jun Park 71 72, Hyun
Maldonado Rosas 73, Israel
Al-Marhoon 74, Mohamed
Ali Sadighi Gilani 69, Mohammad
Alhathal 75, Naif
Pinggera 76, Germar-Michael
Kothari 77, Priyank
Mogharabian 78, Nasser
Micic 79, Sava
Homa 80, Sheryl
Darbandi 81 82, Sara
Quang Tien Long 83, Tran
Zohdy 10, Wael
Atmoko 22, Widi
Sabbaghian 69, Marjan
Ibrahim 84, Wael
P Smith 85, Ryan
Chee Kong Ho 86, Christopher
de la Rosette 87, Jean
I El-Sakka 88, Ahmed
Preto 89, Mirko
Zenoaga-Barbăroșie 90, Cătălina
Mohammed Abumelha 91, Saad
Baser 92, Aykut
Aydos 93, Kaan
Ramirez-Dominguez 73, Liliana
Kumar 94, Vijay
Aik Ong 95, Teng
Cesar Mierzwa 96, Tiago
Adriansjah 97, Ricky
A Banihani 98, Saleem
Bowa 99, Kasonde
Fukuhara 100, Shinichiro
Rodriguez Peña 101, Marcelo
Moussa 102 103, Mohamad
Çağın Ari 104, Umut
Cho 105, Chak-Lam
N Tadros 106, Nichola
Rasit Ugur 107, Muhammet
Amar 108, Edouard
Falcone 109, Marco
Romain Santer 76, Frederic
Kalkanli 110, Arif
Kumar Karna 111, Keshab
9 112 113, Kareim Khalafalla
B Vishwakarma 114, Ranjit
Finocchi 67, Federica
Giulioni 115, Carlo
Ceyhan 39, Erman
Çeker 116, Gökhan
Yazbeck 117, Chadi
Rajmil 118, Osvaldo
Yilmaz 119, Mehmet
Altay 120, Bari
L Barrett 121, Trenton
Seong Ngoo 122, Kay
Roychoudhury 123, Shubhadeep
Salvio 67, Gianmaria
Lin 124, Haocheng
Kadioglu 125, Ate
Timpano 109, Massimiliano
Avidor-Reiss 126 127, Tomer
Hakim 128, Lukman
Sindhwani 128, Puneet
Franco 129, Giorgio
Singh 130, Rajender
Giacone 131, Filippo
Ruzaev 132, Mikhail
Kosgi 133, Raghavender
Sofikitis 134, Nikolao
Palani 135, Ayad
Calik 87, Gokhan
Kulaksız 136, Deniz
Jezek 137, Davor
Al Hashmi 138 139, Manaf
Drakopoulos 140 141, Panagioti
Omran 142, Huda
Leonardi 143, Sofia
Celik-Ozenci 144, Ciler
Dokuzeylül Güngör 145, Nur
Ramsay 146, Jonathan
Amano 147, Toshiyasu
Sogutdelen 148, Emrullah
Wirya Kusuma Duarsa 149, Gede
Chiba 150, Koji
Jindal 151, Sunil
Savira 22, Missy
Boeri 152, Luca
Borges 153, Edson
Gupte 154, Deepak
Gokalp 155, Fatih
Hernández Hebrard 73, Guadalupe
Minhas 156, Suk
Shah 114, Rupin
Andrology Forum, Global
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Korean Society for Sexual Medicine and Andrology, 2023.


PURPOSE: Sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF) has been associated with male infertility and poor outcomes of assisted reproductive technology (ART). The purpose of this study was to investigate global practices related to the management of elevated SDF in infertile men, summarize the relevant professional society recommendations, and provide expert recommendations for managing this condition. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An online global survey on clinical practices related to SDF was disseminated to reproductive clinicians, according to the CHERRIES checklist criteria. Management protocols for various conditions associated with SDF were captured and compared to the relevant recommendations in professional society guidelines and the appropriate available evidence. Expert recommendations and consensus on the management of infertile men with elevated SDF were then formulated and adapted using the Delphi method. RESULTS: A total of 436 experts from 55 different countries submitted responses. As an initial approach, 79.1% of reproductive experts recommend lifestyle modifications for infertile men with elevated SDF, and 76.9% prescribe empiric antioxidants. Regarding antioxidant duration, 39.3% recommend 4-6 months and 38.1% recommend 3 months. For men with unexplained or idiopathic infertility, and couples experiencing recurrent miscarriages associated with elevated SDF, most respondents refer to ART 6 months after failure of conservative and empiric medical management. Infertile men with clinical varicocele, normal conventional semen parameters, and elevated SDF are offered varicocele repair immediately after diagnosis by 31.4%, and after failure of antioxidants and conservative measures by 40.9%. Sperm selection techniques and testicular sperm extraction are also management options for couples undergoing ART. For most questions, heterogenous practices were demonstrated. CONCLUSIONS: This paper presents the results of a large global survey on the management of infertile men with elevated SDF and reveals a lack of consensus among clinicians. Furthermore, it demonstrates the scarcity of professional society guidelines in this regard and attempts to highlight the relevant evidence. Expert recommendations are proposed to help guide clinicians.


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