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Rhythm of the Year in Waldorf's Kindergarten

Authors :
Topić, Jelena
Mendeš, Branimir
Vidović Schreiber, Tea Tereza
Tomić Kaselj, Iskra
Publication Year :


Temelj waldorfske pedagogije leži u antropozofiji – znanosti o duhovnoj naravi čovjeka, svijeta i svemira, a njen utemeljitelj je Rudolf Steiner. Poznato geslo waldorfske pedagogije glasi: „Odgoj ka slobodi!“, a Steiner pod pojmom „sloboda“ podrazumijeva pravo svakog ljudskog bića da razvija ono što je kao pojedinac sa sobom donio na svijet. U središtu same pedagogije nalazi se dijete i njegov cjeloukupni razvoj. To je vidljivo i u temeljnim načelima waldorfske pedagogije koji glase: strahopoštovanje prema duhovnom podrijetlu djeteta, odgoj „onoga što čovjek donosi sa sobom“, temperamenti, sedmogodišnja razdoblja, sveobuhvatno shvaćanje, osposobljavanje osjetila te samoodgoj odgajatelja. Waldorfski dječji vrtići po mnogočemu se razlikuju od tradicionalnih vrtića. Tople i ugodne prostorije boje breskve, mnoštvo prirodnih materijala, šarenilo boja itd, samo su neke od specifičnosti ove koncepcije. Ono po čemu se waldorfski dječji vrtić najviše ističe je ritam rada koji se dijeli na godišnji, mjesečni, tjedni te dnevni. Godišnji ritam određen je smjenom godišnjih doba, a unutar svakog godišnjeg doba nalazi se nekoliko svetkovina te se svaka od njih obilježava na poseban način. Svetkovni stol, gestovno kolo i gestovne igre, poznati elementi waldorfske pedagogije, prilagođavaju se pojednim svetkovinama. Slikanje voštanim pastelama, modeliranje pčelinjeg voska, ručni rad, mijesenje kruha te tehnika „mokro na mokro“, predstavljaju specifične aktivnosti koje određuju dane u tjednu.<br />The basis of the Waldorf pedagogy lies in anthroposophy - the science of the spiritual nature of human beings, world and space, and its founder is Rudolf Steiner. The well - known motto of Waldorf pedagogy states: “Upbringing to freedom!“, but Steiner defines the term „freedom“ as the right of every human being to develop that what he as an individual has brought along from birth to this world. The pedagogy itself is focused on a child and its entire evolvement. Thus is also found in the fundamental principles of Waldorf pedagogy that say: respect of the child's spiritual origin, nurturing of „that what a man bears within himself“, temper, seven-year period, comprehensive understanding, training of senses as well as the development of the educator. Waldorf kindergartens differ a great deal from more traditional kindergartens. Warm and pleasant, peach coloured rooms, filled with natural materials, colourful objects ect., are only few specifics of this concept. The point that is the most emphasized in Waldorf kindergarten is the rhythm, which is distributed into yearly, monthly, weekly and daily rhythm. The yearly rhythm is determined by the passing of the seasons and within every season there is a number of festivals and each of them is celebrated in its own special way. Festival table, gesture wheel and gesture games are commonly known elements of the Waldorf pedagogy and are adapted to the each festival. Painting with wax pastels, modeling of bees wax, hand crafting, kneading bread dough and „wet-on-wet“ painting technique represent specific activites that define the days of the week.


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