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Spatial Quality of Manually Geocoded Multispectral and Multiresolution Mosaics

Authors :
Krtalić, Andrija
Source :
Kartografija i geoinformacije, Volume 7, Issue 9
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Croatian Cartographic Society, 2008.


Nastojanjem dobivanja boljeg uvida u min-sko sumnjivo područje (MSP) u Republici Hrvatskoj, u okviru projekta Europske komisije Airborne Minefield Area Reduction (ARC, EC IST-2000-25300, formiran je digitalni zrakoplovni višesenzorski i višerazlučivi sustav za prikupljanje in-formacija (snimki) o minsko sumnjivoj površini. Sustav se sastoji od matrične kamere (vidljivi i blisko infra-crveni dio elektromagnetskog spektra, 0.4-1.1 µm), termalnog (termalni dio elektromagnetskog spektra, 8-12 µm) i hiperspektralnog linijskog skenera. Zbog specifične namjene sustava i objekata koje je trebalo otkriti na sceni, snimanja su provođena sa relativnih visina leta platforme (helikopter) od 130 do 900 m. Kako su relativne visine leta bile male, a MSP velika, broj snimki bio je također velik i pojavila se potreba za spajanjem snimki u veće cjeline kako bi se dobio uvid u cjelinu područja i interakciju utjecaja detek-tiranih objekata na sceni. Sustav nije raspolagao s modulom za automatsko mozaiciranje i geokodiranje pa se u tu svrhu prišlo ručnoj izradi mozaika, a nakon toga ručnom geokodiranju. Ti su postupci zatim omo-gućili klasifikaciju scene, kako bi se scena što bolje raščlanila i fuziju višesenzorskih i višerazlučivih slika kako bi se što više informacija moglo iz nje dobiti. U ovom radu pokazano je da je moguće provesti spomenute procese i uz pomoć ručnog mozaiciranja i geokodiranja.<br />The digital airborne multisensor and multiresolution system for collection of information (images) about mine suspected area was created, within European commission project Airborne Minefield Area Reduction (ARC, EC IST-2000-25300, to gain a better perspective in mine suspected areas (MSP) in the Republic of Croatia. The system consists of a matrix camera (visible and near infrared range of electromagnetic spectrum, 0.4-1.1 µm), thermal (thermal range of electromagnetic spectrum, 8-14 µm) and a hyperspectral linear scanner. Because of a specific purpose and seeking object on the scene, the flights for collecting the images took place at heights from 130 m to 900 m above the ground. The result of a small relative flight height and large MSPs was a large number of images which cover MSPs. Therefore, the need for merging images in largest parts, for a better perspective in whole MSPs and the interaction of detected object influences on the scene appeared. The mentioned system did not dispose of the module for automatic mosaicking and geocoding, so mosaicking and after that geocoding were done manually. This process made the classification of the scene (better distinguishing of objects on the scene) and fusion of multispectral and multiresolution images after that possible. Classification and image fusion can be even done by manually mosaicking and geocoding. This article demonstrated this claim.


Language :
18480713 and 1333896X
Volume :
Issue :
Database :
Journal :
Kartografija i geoinformacije
Accession number :