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Implantoprosthetic therapy of patient with partial glosectomy – case report

Authors :
Ćorić, Anka
Čimić, Samir
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Stomatološki fakultet. Zavod za mobilnu protetiku., 2019.


Oralna rehabilitacija protetskim radom na implantatima kod osoba s resekcijom dijela jezika i tkiva dna usne šupljine predstavlja veliki izazov za doktore dentalne medicine. Kod nepovoljnih kliničkih situacija nastalih zbog kirurškog uklanjanja karcinoma teže je zadovoljiti danas visoko postavljene estetske i funkcijske standarde. Zbog promijenjenih anatomskih struktura bezube mandibule onemogućeno je nošenje donje potpune proteze zbog nedostatne retencije i stabilizacije. Jedino rješenje za uspostavu zadovoljavajuće terapije kod ovakvih osoba liječenih od karcinoma usne šupljine je upotreba pokrovne proteze poduprte implantatima. Minimalni standard za opskrbu donje bezube čeljusti je pokrovna proteza poduprta s dva implantata. U ovome prikazanom slučaju se koristio pričvrsni sustav OT Equator (Mis Implants) kao retencijsko sredstvo za pokrovnu protezu. Na redovnim kontrolama nije bilo znakova recidiva tumora niti znakova upale mekog tkiva oko implantata, kao ni znakova promjena kosti na rentgenskoj panoramskoj slici oko implantata. Jedina komplikacija bila je ispadanje umjetnog zuba vjerojatno zbog oslabljene retencije akrilata iznad matrice ekvatora. Za daljnje utvrđivanje prednosti i nedostataka ovakvih pričvrsnih sustava potrebna su daljnja klinička istraživanja. Oral rehabilitation with prosthetic structures on implants for patients with resection of the tongue and tissues of the oral floor is a great challenge for dental practitioners. With unfavorable clinical situations due to surgical cancer removal it is harder to achieve today’s high aesthetic and functional standards. Because of the changed anatomical structures of the edentulous mandible, it is impossible for patients to wear the lower complete denture due to insufficient retention and stabilization. The only solution for achieving satisfying therapy in these patients treated because of oral cancer is the use of denture supported with dental implants. The minimal standard for edentulous mandible is the overdenture supported with two implants. In this case report, the attachment system OT Equator (Mis Implants) was used as a tool for retention of the overdenture. At regular appointments there were neither signs of tumor recurrence nor pathological signs around the soft tissue of the implants, and there were no signs of bone changes on a panoramic X-ray. The only complication was the loss of prefabricated tooth probably due to the weakened acrylic retention above the matrix of equator. For determination of all the advantages and disadvantages of such attachment systems, further clinical studies are required.


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