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Analiza proizvodnje žitarica na OPG-u Mirko Rumbočić u 2018. i 2019. godini

Authors :
Rumbočić, Ivan
Iljkić, Dario
Rastija, Mirta
Varga, Ivana
Publication Year :


Cilj završnog rada bio je analizirati proizvodnju žitarica odnosno prikazati provedene agrotehničke zahvate u proizvodnji kukuruza, pšenice i ječma na OPG-u Mirko Rumbočić tijekom dvogodišnjeg razdoblja (2018.-2019.). OPG je osnovano 2003. godine u Mohovu (Vukovarsko-srijemska županija) i bavi se ratarskom proizvodnjom na 105 ha obradivih površina. Posjeduje odgovarajuće objekte i gotovo svu potrebnu mehanizaciju. Sa stajališta vegetacije kukuruza vremenske prilike su bile povoljne jer su ukupne količine oborina bile na razini ili iznad višegodišnjeg prosjeka uz više prosječne temperature zraka što pogoduje razvoju kukuruza. U pogledu vegetacije ozimih žitarice analizirane godine karakteriziraju više prosječne temperatura zraka i različita količina oborina. Agrotehnika na gospodarstvu obavlja se u skladu sa preporukama struke. Posebna pozornost pridaje se zaštiti ratarskih kultura od bolesti, korova i štetnika jer su to i najčešći uzročnici smanjenja prinosa i kvalitete. Ostvareni prinosi kukuruza su se kretali od 11 do 14 t/ha, pšenice od 6,5 do 7,0 t/ha i ječma od 6,0 do 6,5 t/ha uz različitu količinu vlage zrna između analiziranih godina.<br />The aim of the final work was to analyze the production of cereals and show the implemented agro-technical interventions in the production of corn, wheat and barley on the family farm Mirko Rumbočić during a two-year period (2018-2019). The family farm was founded in 2003 in Mohovo (Vukovar-Srijem County) and is engaged in crop production on 105 ha of arable land. Also, it has the appropriate facilities and almost all the necessary machinery. In the context of maize vegetation period the weather conditions were favorable because the total rainfall was at or above the multi-year average with higher average air temperatures which favors maize development. In terms of winter cereal vegetation, the analyzed years are characterized by higher average air temperatures and different amounts of precipitation. Agrotechnics on the farm is performed in accordance with the recommendations of the profession. Special attention is paid to the protection of field crops from diseases, weeds and pests because these are the most common causes of reduced yields and quality. Realized yields of corn ranged from 11 to 14 t/ha, wheat from 6.5 to 7.0 t/ha and barley from 6.0 to 6.5 t/ha with different amounts of grain moisture between the analyzed years.


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