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Magnetic resonance microscopy of trabecular bone
- Source :
- Scopus-Elsevier, Radiology and oncology (Ljubljana)
- Background. Bone diseases such as osteoporosis lead to changes in the trabecular bone mass and architecture. Improved methods for the quantitative assessment of trabecular bone are needed to better understand the role of trabecular architecture in bone strength. MR microscopy (MRM),'with its ability to achieve resolutions below 50 micromol has proved to be particularlyuseful for the ex vivo evaluation of the complex archi- tecture oftrabecular bone. In this study, we describe the use of projection reconstruction (PR) with MRM for the quantitative evaluation of the three-dimensional structure of trabecular bone explants and for the predictionof their biomechanical properties. Material and methods. High-resolution 3D PR and trabecular bone explants were analysed to determine standard morphologic parameters such as trabecular bone volume fraction (BV/TVor Vv), trabecular thick- ness (Tb.Th) and trabecular separation (Tb.Sp). Segmentation of the high-resolution images into bone and bone marrow was obtained by using a Bayesian approach. The derived parameters were finallyincluded in non-linear mathematical models for the prediction of Young's modulus (YM). Results. The parameters derived from the PR spin-echo were found to be stronger predictor of YM (RZ = 0.86) than those derived from the conventional spinecho images (R2 = 0.75) used for comparison. Conclusions.This ex vivo approach should be readily adaptable to the studies in human subjects. Izhodišča. Kostne bolezni, kot je osteoporoza, vodijo v spremembe trabekularnemase in arhitekture kosti, Za boljše razumevanje trabekularne strukture in kostne moči potrebujemo izboljšane kvantitativne metode. MR mikroskopija (MRM) se je s svojo zmožnostjo doseči resolucijo pod 50 microm izkazala za zelo uporabno pri ex vivo oceni kompleksne arhitekture trabekularnih kosti. V pričujoči študiji opisujemo uporabo projekcijske rekonstrukcije (PR) z MRM pri kvantitativni oceni tridimenzionalne trabekularne strukture kostnih eksplantatov in pri napovedovanju njihovih biomehaničnih značilnosti. Material in metode. Analizirali smo 3D PR visoke ločljivosti in eksplantate trabekularnih kosti, da bi določili standardne morfološke parametre kot so volumska frakcija trabekularne kosti, debelina trabekul in trabekularna separacija. Razločevanje slik visoke ločljivosti na kost in na kostni mozeg smo opravili z uporabo "Bayesianskega" pristopa. Pridobljene parametre smo na koncu vključili v nelinearen matematični model zadoločitev Youngovega modula (YM). Rezultati. Ugotovili smo, da so parametri,ki smo jih dobili pri spinskem odboju PR močnejši napovedovalci Youngovega modula (R2 = 0.86) kot parametri pridobljeni z konvencionalnimi spinskimi odbojnimi slikami (R2= 0.75), ki smo jih uporabljali za primerjavo. Zaključki. Opisani ex vivo pristop bi lahko zlahka prilagodili in vivo študijam.
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Journal :
- Scopus-Elsevier, Radiology and oncology (Ljubljana)
- Accession number :