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Posttranslacijske modifikacije biljnih proteina

Authors :
Kozić, Zrinko
Balen, Biljana
Publication Year :


Cilj proteomskih istraživanja je identifikacija svih proteinskih molekula u stanicama i tkivima pojedinih organizama, a s vremenom su se istraživanja proširila i na određivanje funkcije tih proteina. U početku se smatralo da su preko centralne dogme molekularne biologije genom i proteom u direktnoj vezi, no otkrićem PTM se pokazalo da takav pristup u istraživanjima i ne mora biti sasvim točan. PTM na različite načine utječu na funkciju proteina, bilo da se radi o regulaciji enzimatske aktivnosti, lokalizaciji unutar stanice ili staničnih membrana, usmjeravanja u različite biokemijske ili sekretorne puteve ili označavanjem za degradaciju. Bolje razumijevanje PTM omogućio je razvoj tehnologije, posebice na području MS metoda. Daljnjim razvojem tih metoda i primjenom bioinformatičke analize moći ćemo saznati više o PTM proteina, komponentama modifikacija i mjestima na kojima se one događaju. Konačan cilj bio bi dostignut kada bismo pomoću tih podataka i bez eksperimentalnih dokaza mogli identificirati proteine koji će proći kroz PTM, predvidjeti na kojim mjestima će se one dogoditi i u konačnici odrediti njihovu funkciju. The goal of proteomic research is the identification of all protein species in all cells and tissues of certain organisms and lately these research projects include identification of protein functions. In early stages of proteome research it was considered that genome and proteome are in a direct relation. However, the discovery of PTM of proteins has shown us that the central dogma of molecular biology may not be so correct after all. PTM can have different effects on their target proteins and such may include changes in regulation of their enzymatic activity, their localization in cell compartments or membranes, inclusion in metabolic or biochemical pathways, or they can serve as markers for targeting proteins bound to degradation. Technological breakthroughs have allowed us to gain better understanding in PTM, especially by development of MS methods. Further development of research options with application of bioinformatics analysis would allow us to gain better knowledge of PTM, their components and localization. The final goal would be achieved when it would be simple to determine which proteins would undergo PTM, foresee the site of the modification and finally, to determine their function.


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