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Parental Involvement in Their Children's Education
- Publication Year :
- 2022
- Sudjelovanje roditelja u obrazovanju djeteta ima različite dobrobiti za dijete, točnije za postizanje školskog uspjeha i za djetetov razvoj. Problem istraživanja koje se provodilo za potrebe diplomskog rada bio je utvrditi sudjelovanje roditelja u obrazovanju djeteta koje pohađa razrednu nastavu te eventualne razlike među roditeljima s obzirom na spol i na stupanj obrazovanja. Spoznajni je cilj bio utvrditi razlikuje li se uključenost roditelja u djetetovo obrazovanje s obzirom na spol i na stupanj obrazovanja te u skladu s dobivenim rezultatima ponuditi smjernice za unapređenje djetetova obrazovanja i razvoja. Upitnik za anketiranje sastojao se od tri dijela, pri čemu su prvi i treći dio samostalno izrađeni, dok je drugi dio izrađen prema upitniku koji je konstruirala Vinković (2017). Upitnik se sveukupno sastojao od 25 pitanja zatvorenog i otvorenog tipa. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo sto ispitanika, odnosno roditelja čije dijete pohađa razrednu nastavu. Analizom prikupljenih podataka zaključeno je da se sudjelovanje roditelja u obrazovanju djeteta ne razlikuje s obzirom na spol i stupanj obrazovanja ispitanika, čime su potvrđene postavljene istraživačke hipoteze. S obzirom na dobivene rezultate istraživanja poželjno je stvarati okruženje u kojem će se promicati sudjelovanje roditelja u djetetovu obrazovanju te isticati dobrobiti takve roditeljske uključenosti za dijete.<br />Parental involvement in a child's education has various benefits for the child, more specifically for achieving school success and for the child's development. The problem of the research conducted for the purposes of the thesis was to determine the participation of parents in the education of a child attending class and possible differences between parents with regard to gender and level of education. The cognitive goal was to determine whether the involvement of parents in the child's education differs according to gender and level of education, and in accordance with the obtained results to offer guidelines for improving the child's education and development. The survey questionnaire consisted of three parts, with the first and third parts being developed independently, while the second part was developed according to a questionnaire constructed by Vinković (2017). The questionnaire consisted of a total of 25 closed-ended and open-ended questions. One hundred respondents participated in the research, ie parents whose child attends class. The analysis of the collected data concluded that the participation of parents in the education of the child does not differ with regard to the gender and level of education of the respondents, which confirmed the research hypotheses. Given the obtained results of the research, it is desirable to create an environment in which the participation of parents in the child's education will be promoted and the benefits of such parental involvement for the child will be emphasized.
- Language :
- Croatian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :