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Utjecaj petomjesečnog sportskog programa na kinantropološki status djece predškolske dobi

Authors :
Perčić, Ivana
Alić, Jelena
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište u Zadru. Odjel za izobrazbu učitelja i odgojitelja. Odsjek za odgojitelje., 2021.


Redovite sportske aktivnosti imaju brojne blagotvorne čimbenike na kognitivne i tjelesne sposobnosti djece. Najvažnije je provoditi rekreativnu naviku u ranoj dobi djece koja bi pomogla u postizanju radnih navika i discipline. Učenje motoričkih vještina u predškolskoj dobi događa se istovremeno ili kroz svakodnevne interakcije s djecom i odgojiteljima. Tijekom predškolske godine rast mišićno-koštanog i živčanog sustava presudno je razdoblje u kojem odgojitelji moraju djecu usmjeravati na ispravan način tjelesnog odgoja koji su preduvjeti za cjelovit i ispravan rast djece. Dobro je poznato da djeca koja su više uključena u tjelesne aktivnosti imaju bolje socijalne vještine, bolje se nose sa stresom i zadacima koji su im postavljeni. U 21. stoljeću stres je četvrti vodeći faktor rizika za smrt u svijetu. Uzimajući tu činjenicu u obzir, predškolske bi ustanove trebale biti među prvima koje promiču tjelesnu aktivnost. Kineziološkim aktivnostima djeca ispunjavaju najvažniju potrebu, a to je nedostatak socijalne povezanosti s drugom djecom. Uvodni dio ovog rada bavi se antropološkim karakteristikama i motoričkim sposobnostima djece rane i predškolske dobi. Rad također sadrži pregled dosadašnjih istraţivanja o učincima kinezioloških programa na djecu. Cilj ovog rada je usporedbom dviju skupina (kontrolne i eksperimentalne) utvrditi utjecaj petomjesečnog kineziološkog programa na kinantropološki status djece. Obje skupine djece koja sudjeluju u ovom istraţivanju pohađaju privatni vrtić Čarobni Pianino u Splitu, Hrvatska. U jednoj se skupini tijekom jutarnjeg desetosatnog programa dva puta tjedno s kineziologom provodio integrirani sportski program, a u drugoj popodnevnoj redoviti edukativni petosatni program. Istraživanje nije potvrdilo statistički značajne razlike nakon provedbe kineziološkog programa u korist eksperimentalne skupine. Pronađen je pozitivan pomak u izmjerenim varijablama kinantropološkog statusa djece i u eksperimentalnoj i u kontrolnoj skupini. Djeca iz eksperimentalne skupine također su pokazala napredak, posebno u pogledu njihove fleksibilnosti. Pri planiranju kinezioloških programa treba uzeti u obzir intenzivniji program duljeg trajanja kako bi se postigle transformacije kinantropološkog statusa djece. Regular sport activity has many beneficial factors on both cognitive and physical abilities of children. It's of the most importance to implement a recreational habit at an early age of children which would help at achieving working habits and discipline. Learning motoric skills at a preschool age happens simultaneously or through everyday interactions with children and educators. During the preschool year's the growth of musculoskeletal and nervous systems is the crucial period where educators must direct the children the right way of physical education which are prerequisites for the children's complete and correct growth. It is well known that children who are more involved in physical activities have better social skills, deal better with stress and tasks that are set in front of them. In 21st century stress is the 4th leading risk factor for the death in the world. Taking that fact into consideration, preschool institutions should be among the first to promote physical activity. Through kinesiological activities children fulfil the most important need which is the lack of social bonding with other children. The introductory part of this thesis deals with the anthropological characteristics and motor abilities of children of early and preschool age. The paper also contains an overview of previous research on the effects of kinesiology programs on children. The aim of this paper is to determine the impact of a five-month kinesiology program on the kinanthropological status of children by comparing two groups (controlled and experimental). Both groups of children taking part in this research attend the private kindergarten Čarobni Pianino (Magical Pianino) in Split, Croatia. In one group, an integrated sports program was conducted during the morning ten-hour program twice a week with a kinesiologist, and in the other group, a regular educational five-hour program was conducted in the afternoon. The study did not confirm statistically significant differences after the implementation of the kinesiology program in favor of the experimental group. A positive shift was found in the measured variables of the kinanthropological status of children in both the experimental and controlled group. Children from of the experimental group also showed progress, especially in terms of their flexibility. When planning kinesiology programs, it should be taken into consideration to make more intensive program of longer duration in order to achieve transformations of the kinanthropological status of children.


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