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The influence of aluminosilicate fibre in moulding material for investment casting technology on its mechanical properties

Authors :
Nadolski M.
Konopka Z.
Łągiewka M.
Andrzej Zyska
Source :
Archives of Foundry Engineering, Vol 8, Iss SI 1, Pp 223-226 (2008), BASE-Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sciendo, 2008.


An incrcnsc of mcchnnicol propcrtics of thin-walled ccramic moulds far the invcstrncnt casting tcchnology has hccn thc main pupscOF thc undcrlakcn rcscnrch work. Partial rcplaccmcnt of grain silica rnatcrials with alrrminasilicatc materials in thc [ibrous rorm is ancsscncc nf a ncw cnnccpt of slruct~~mchla ngc of ~hmc oulding matcrial. Thcrc havc hcen prcparcd inntcrials ol various librc fractioncon~aincdin thc matrix and thcir mcchnnical propcrtics havc bccn cxamincd, narncly thcir bcndiiig srrcngth MORE, work of frncrurc FI.and thc deflcclionl;,,,, An addit ion of ccminic fibrc [a thc rnatcrial matrix rcst~ltsin t hc inctcasc of a!l thc mechanical propcrtics. Thc fihrcfraction ranging horn 25 10 SO wt-% is oplirnal as far as mhanical propcrtics and rhc spraying icctlnology or huilrling lhc thin-wallcdmould arc conccmcd.


Language :
Volume :
Database :
Journal :
Archives of Foundry Engineering
Accession number :