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Comparison of online services for digital distribution of games
- Publication Year :
- 2022
- Publisher :
- Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli. Tehnički fakultet u Puli., 2022.
- Tema rada vezana je uz usporedbu servisa za distribuciju igara. Uvodni dio rada govori o tome što su videoigre i što je distribucija videoigara, te kako se ona mijenjala kroz povijest. Nadalje su objašnjeni servisi za distribuciju videoigara, po kategorijama za određenu platformu. Svaka od kategorija ima po dva servisa za distribuciju videoigara, koji su slični. Nadalje opisom pojedinačnog distributera igara za računala Steam i Epic Games uvod je za usporedbu ta dva distributera. Steam i Epic Games od svih dostupnih distributera videoigara za računala su najsličniji i jedan drugom su najveća konkurencija. Nakon usporedbe dva distributera za računalo slijedi opis pojedinačnog servisa za distribuciju igara za konzole. Kada su u pitanju konzole i distributeri igara za konzole postaje malo kompliciranije. Razlog je sto svaka konzola ima svog distributera PlayStation ima PlayStation Store, do za Xbox je Xbox Games Store. Oko ta dva distributera najduže se vodi borba koji je bolji, jer korisnici svakog tvrde da je njihov bolji. Nakon usporedbe servisa za distribuciju igara za konzole započet je opis distributera igara za mobitele. Distributeri koji su bili opisivani su Google Play i Apple App Store. Google Play i Apple App Store podržavaju različite operacijski sustave. Dok Apple App Store podržava iOS, iPadOS i dostupan je u cijelome svijetu, Google Play podržava android i nedostupan je u Kini. The topic of this final paper is related to the comparison of game distribution services. The introductory part of the paper talks about what video games are, what video game distribution is and how it has changed throughout history. Video game distribution services are further explained, by category for a specific platform. Each of the categories has two video game distribution services, which are similar. Furthermore, the description of the individual game distributor for computers Steam and Epic Games is an introduction to the comparison of those two distributors. Of all the available PC video game distributors, Steam and Epic Games are the most similar and are each other's biggest competitors. After the comparison of the two distributors for the computer, a description of the individual game distribution service for consoles follows. When it comes to consoles and console game distributors it gets a little more complicated. The reason is that each console has its own distributor, PlayStation has the PlayStation Store, and for Xbox is the Xbox Games Store. Those two distributors have been fighting for the longest time about which one is better, because the users of each claim that theirs is better. After the comparison of game distribution services for consoles, the description of mobile game distributors began. The distributors that were described are Google Play and the Apple App Store. Google Play and Apple App Store support different operating systems. While the Apple App Store supports iOS, iPadOS and is available worldwide, Google Play supports Android and is unavailable in China.
- Subjects :
- TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Računarstvo. Informacijski sustavi
online servisi za distribuciju videoigara
Distributer, distribucija, zarada, videoigre, igre, korisnici
multimedijalni sustavi
multimedia systems
TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Computing. Information Systems
online services for video games distribution
- Language :
- Croatian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :