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Vpliv setvenih rokov na morfološke in biokemijske značilnosti redkvice

Authors :
Fakin, Sara
Urbanek Krajnc, Andreja
Source :
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Publisher :
S. Fakin, 2015.


Biološko-dinamična pridelava temelji tudi na delu s silami kozmosa, ki vplivajo na rast in razvoj rastlin. S setvijo, sajenjem, presajanjem, okopavanjem, oskrbo in spravilom na določen dan oziroma glede na posredovan kozmični vpliv spodbudimo rastlino, da ta vpliv sprejme ter ga izrazi z značilno rastjo in razvojem določenih morfoloških značilnosti rastline. V diplomski nalogi smo spremljali vpliv kozmičnih sil na rast in razvoj redkvice (Raphanus sativus var. radicula L.), ki smo jo sejali ob treh različnih terminih, na dan za korenino, dan za list in neugoden dan. V prvem sklopu so nas zanimale morfološke razlike med posameznimi setvenimi skupinami od vznika do faze zrelosti. Največ vzniklih rastlin in največje število listov smo našteli pri skupinah list in korenina. Meritve mase, širine in dolžine hipokotilov so pokazale najvišje vrednosti pri skupini korenina, sledila sta termina neugodno in list. Redkvice so imele tendenco k večjim in lepše oblikovanim hipokotilom pri skupinah korenina in list. Pri merjenju barve povrhnjice hipokotilov je bila najtemnejša vrednost parametra svetlosti (L*) izmerjena pri skupini korenina. Pri biokemijski določitvi skupnih fenolov v povrhnjici, sredici in celotnem hipokotilu smo izmerili signifikantne razlike v povrhnjici hipokotilov. Največ skupnih fenolov smo izmerili pri skupini korenina, sledili sta skupini neugodno in list. Bio-dynamic farming is also considering cosmic forces which may significantly affect growth and development of plants. The cosmic impact transmitted through several activities such as sowing, planting, transplanting, hoeing, harvesting and general care on a given day encourages plants to receive its influences and express them through certain growth and development of morphological characteristics. In the presented thesis, we investigated the influence of cosmic forces on growth and development of red turnip (Raphanus sativus var. radicula L.). The seeds were sown on three different dates, on days suitable for root crop species, on days suitable for leafy crops and on 'unfavourable' days. In the first experimental set, we were interested in morphological differences between sowing groups, from emergence until maturity. The highest number of germinated plants and the highest number of leafes were determined in the ꞌleafꞌ and ꞌrootꞌ groups. The measurements of weight, width and length of hypocotyls showed maximum values in the ꞌrootꞌ group, followed by the ꞌleafꞌ and the ꞌunfavorableꞌ group. Red turnip had a tendency to develop larger and better shaped hypocotyls in ꞌrootꞌ and ꞌleafꞌ groups. Regarding color parameters of the hypocotyl epidermis, the darkest pigmentation (the lowest value of brightness - L *) was estimated in the ꞌrootꞌ group. In the second part of the experimental work, we were interested in biochemical determination of total phenolics in the epidermis, core and the tissue throughout the hypocotyls. We noted a significant difference between the total phenolic contents in the epidermis, where the maximum values were measured in the ꞌrootꞌ group, followed by ꞌunfavorableꞌ and ꞌleafꞌ groups. In the core and the tissue throughout the hypocotyls, a slight trend of phenolic accomulation was determined in the ꞌrootꞌ group.


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